Saturday, January 22, 2011

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Aera-Tenhi, trap demons

wasteland civilization by avaryn

world Type: spherical rock.
Size: C (equatorial diameter of 1 844km).
Echappée : 5 laps.
Rotation: 58 hours.
Revolution: 116 days.
Moons : Tenhi.
Population: 78 552 tanar'ri, 22 431 baatezu.
magic Frame: Reinforced, arcane dominant.
Pantheon : None.

aeration Tenhi is a world whose surface is a desert of rock on which plant species grow some specific shots below. The sky is streaked with lightning purple and there is no source of drinking water. Beneath the surface However, a World labyrinth was dug thousands of years ago, huge caverns are home to forest-tree vipers or sources of acid. Aera-Tenhi is a prison for demons, a trap on the scale of a world in which entities have been caught hell over the ages. Nothing seems to help them escape their confinement secular, although powerful demon lords was weaving continually escape plans.

Ports Home : Aera-Tenhi is a world hostile to spelljammers, all of its climate consisting of high winds and lightning destructive than the energies associated with its magical Frame, disrupting drawbars from the upper atmosphere. It seems that no city was ever built on the surface of this world.

Resources: The combination of core energy and infernal influences was caused by violent changes of the natural resources of aeration Tenhi, sources of potable water are scarce and the fauna was totally perverted by evil forces underworld. Several varieties of plants have proliferated and the threats more territorial demons, using lethal spore creatures for hellish Plans.

Cultures: The former elementary Zőnőkőn conjured creatures to excavate the depths of this world, they druids empowered a complex combination of energies in the planar planetary Frame and three centuries devoted to the alteration of the nucleus. The reasons that drove them to cause such alterations are unknown, but everything was done in anticipation of capturing an entity possessing divine power. A millennium after their arrival in this world, Zőnőkőn disappeared leaving only a few remnants in the form of huge monoliths of black crystal, like nails driven into the rocky crust.
Several millennia after the departure of Zőnőkőn several psijammers from entering the planetary system arise in disaster on the surface of aeration Tenhi. The Shirynn are a people reduced to a few hundred individuals, ethnic syndarheem, having escaped the destruction of their systems Planetary complete a psionic weapon Trĕĕl. Masters of many disciplines mental Shirynn know to be the way towards extinction, they still would like to leave a testimony of their existence and form a community of survivors at the surface of this hostile new world.
Thanks to their faculties, Shirynn able to prosper for several decades, the time for the more powerful among them to gather enough psionic energy to transform the global maze by Zőnőkőn dug into a deadly trap for entities Plans hell of the Wheel. During thousand years before they fled in the Phlogiston, the Shirynn were repeatedly harassed, both by baatezu by the tanar'ri. Their tribes were decimated, and the emerging civilization of which they were the architects patients was carried away by the demonic army. The end of their world by a weapon Trĕĕl occurred while they were on the decline, seeking a way to unify the last time their scattered tribes to take revenge on hellish creatures.
The peculiarities of the world Tenhi aeration allowed the wisest Shirynn develop a plan at a scale never before contemplated by their people, a terrible legacy to the people as revenge to come after them. Patiently for years, the elves modeled distance each gallery, each room of their underground world, to make a jail for their former tormentors. The planetary core, previously altered by Zőnőkőn, was transformed into a fantastic planar nexus that bound the infernal plan, a wave of energy was released during this final ritual Shirynn, which eradicated all traces of life on the surface of aeration Tenhi.

Great was the surprise of the first demons to overcome Gateway Kernel, to find himself trapped by forces impossible to constrain. Many were those who resigned themselves to wait for help, having to live forever, but after a few centuries, most patients baatezu captives also became enraged as their eternal enemies, the tanar'ri. The population grew steadily hell in the bowels of aeration Tenhi, and lords many manifested themselves, seeking to unify their to liberate themselves from the terrifying prison planet. Never any force born of hell only succeeded in breaking the energies of this world, and somehow, many communities were formed at different levels. The unity of all the infernal creatures could never exist, but some powerful demons managed to gather the faithful and sacrificing their diabolical essence, to project their consciousness beyond the physical boundaries of their prison.

Xunak-Lumnur, a dark lord tanar'ri, discovered as well as his mastery of the essence in these hellish places was a major asset. Unhesitatingly sacrificing hundreds of lower demons, he was the first to project its spiritual essence through the Void. He apprehended the desolation imposed on nearby worlds, and turned to the servants of the Shadow, only conscious creatures able to travel to the surface of aeration Tenhi order to tear the surface. It took more than a thousand years before they can communicate with Dåkåånn by giving some gifts to the most deserving evil, those who were not exterminated by the Shadow had to leave their world on wrecks spelljammers to take refuge on Tenhi. Since then, venerating Dåkåånn Xunak-Lumnur have assumed the name of Bright, and they based Xůůn now devoted to the study of all possibilities to free their dark master.
Another lord of the underworld has developed another method to communicate with the outside. Orogoz gélugon who is a long divisive on many worlds of the Primary Plan. His incarceration on aeration Tenhi led him to collaborate with former rivals, and he had to sacrifice much of his demonic essence to create an environment allowing it to perform its magic. Taking the name Ciotorex the gélugon extended his collection to the whole sphere of crystal and clashed with dead entities not operating within the ocean of blood. More monsters were impregnated by forces millennia, although their intelligence is small, Ciotorex managed to manipulate them to form a herd large enough to reach the surface of aeration Tenhi and rip it.

individuals Sites: The Zőnőkőn have reshaped the world by using a combination of elemental forces magnified by Weft warming. Aera-Tenhi is a huge prison with thousands of creatures whose hellish screams of rage are the only sounds audible to the surface. The design of a This prison has necessitated enormous powers so that no people of Known Spheres can consider replicating such an achievement. However, some travelers with a powerful and wisdom were able to grasp some aspects that were subsequently allowed to create minor releases from the jail warming.
The Trionax is a monolithic structure composed of three black crystal deep in the earth's surface about five hundred meters. Fully coated Zőnőkőn equations, the monoliths of Trionax capture solar energy to enhance the Guardian Frame magic. Some demons locked away under the surface have learned to communicate their thoughts via Trionax, their power remains limited to a few hundred meters of crystal structures and has so far affected only a few mortals without great results.

The small moon rock is called Tenhi past few centuries from the field Dåkåånn World Täërä, fanatics corrupted by the words of the demon lord Xunak-Lumnur. They built the city of Xůůn, consisting of five major temples in which the Magi Dåkåånn study all the texts enabling them to increase their knowledge. The city is home to a thousand individuals, divided between the five sanctuaries and lines forming nascent fearsome mages. The Magi are Xůnååz manipulating shadows, they are most numerous in the city and their mystical way is for two centuries the most frequently used to free-Xunak Lumnur. Xůlåån are the most challenged by their peers, they practice necromancy and rituals often imitate those of the followers of Ciotorex. Xůkåål, Xůůrůůn Xůënäz form and minor castes frequently arriving to unite their powers in fragile alliances mystics, they manipulate the Lightning, and the Divination Crystal.

The Dåkåånn Xůůn have managed to maintain a dozen small spelljammers whose origins remain a mystery for mages fanatics. These ships are old and are now used to collect plant resources on a few clusters of asteroids orbiting planet, the only source to reach Dåkåånn means.


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