Friday, July 11, 2008

Lady Libertine [1983] Rapid

Second Convention of the speaker of the Christian community in Burundi Europe - Brussels Convention Brussels 2007

Jacques Dernelle Pastor, Teacher at Continental Theological Seminary, has authorized us to publish his preaching here that the content.

Theme: Matthew 6: 33
" Search first His kingdom and His righteousness,
And all these things will be over.

A decisive choice: worry or look

My wife and I, we feel very honored to be asked of you for this second convention and we want to thank you. We had the pleasure to work Kiremba, Bururi, with Henry and Anna-Karin Stalgren in the 70s, there is great joy to see them here.

With the grace of God, I will try to express what this topic has aroused in me and among Christians in our meeting of Tubize, because they served as guinea pigs!
We will try to put this inquiry of Jesus in his strong background and we let ourselves challenged by these different lessons.

I read you Matthew 6 :25-34 and Philippians 4

~ ~ A contrast settles

A. The reading of verse 25, the expression "therefore" [NIV: that is why] we refer to the previous verses contrasting two masters " you can not serve God and Mammon "mean by this sentence:" Jesus and property. "

B. But how to react, therefore, the worries of everyday life: we must eat, clothe ourselves, to these questions ... very natural, Jesus replied: "For all these things do the Gentiles seek after. Your heavenly Father knows that you need. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be over. "
C . Paul, himself, says to the Colossians: "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Buckle up on things above, not to those on earth "Colossians 3 :1-2.

D. Let's put some order in our development:
we will define the concern, we will study the reasons why God asks us specifically not to worry, we will realize that in order
to fight against worry, God gave us prayer.
We will understand how the peace that surpasses all understanding keep our hearts in Jesus Christ.
we will see that we need to fill the void left by the refusal of anxiety and replace it with sound research.
We will see the strength of word search.
And finally, we will define the kingdom and the righteousness of God and the kind of relationship that we have to keep with him.

~ Anxiety ~

A. Definitions:

Concern: cloudy, painful condition caused by fear, the apprehension of danger. Cambridge.
Concern: concern about someone or something we bear interest; concern. What occupies the mind. Cambridge.
Concern: concern, worry. Cambridge.

B. Worries, worries and concerns are part of the lot of every day and yet, as we noted earlier, Jesus advises us not to worry! This is easier said than done ... except if we know who really has the solution to the needs we face.

B. Confidence born of intimate knowledge we have of each other, so God in this text gives us his credentials: " Your Father knows that you need ! .

~ September ~ arguments against anxiety

A . According to William Barclay, Jesus gives in these 10 verses seven arguments against anxiety about the future.
1. [25] God gave us life, and he gave us life, we can trust him for the things of lesser importance for food ... so that keeps us alive.
2. 26] Birds' work "for food but no one is worried for the next day - that God's providence which plays its role.
3. [27] The concern was unnecessary, it has never extended the life (or size) of anyone!
4. [28-30] The dried flowers of the field were used to quickly heat small earth ovens housewives. If God takes the time to dress up as delicately, what about the man who is the crown of his creation?

5. [32] The concern is characteristic of pagan fears (fear) his god, not "Christian" who knows his Father. The worry is then basically an expression of distrust. Our Father knows ...

6. [33] How to overcome anxiety? By staying in God's priorities and focusing on them: Love casts out fear.
7. 34] How to overcome anxiety? Taking one day at a time. The facts of today may be an answer for tomorrow!
B. It would be interesting now to take the parallel text of Philippians 4 :6-9.

~ Do not worry about anything ~

Different translations expand the meaning of the phrase:
§ CH: Do you fear nothing
§ SM: Do you put anything for the sake
§ PV Osty: satisfied beyond any concern

The " for nothing "would be rash or unconsciousness if there were more of the verse. The "satisfied beyond " implies an ongoing process that is snowballing.
JJ Muller: " Caring is a virtue; maintain his concern is a sin, because such anxiety does not show confidence in God but we .

quoting Ralph Martin Oswald Chambers: "being anxious, betrays a lack of confidence in order that God did for us and is one of those unconscious blasphemy against him. "
" But in all things ":

B. But went on, but the very Greek, but the contrary.
"In everything " TOB for any occasion, any situation in PV, in any CH.

~ ~ Get to know

A. The Lord knows our human nature, he knows we can not remain in a vacuum or uncertainty, then it gives us a way to counter this feeling sneaky that paralyzes us: through prayer.

B. Paul gives us four facets of the real way of addressing God in a right relationship with him. The translation of the Sower is telling: expose your requests to God.

C. Commentary Sower: "He who lives already under the Father, trusting God in all things for those who are in Christ, this kingdom is already a reality, even if it is still incomplete.

D. The four facets of true prayer:

1. Prayer : proseuché : prayer in general, but only directed towards God.
2. Supplication: deesei : a need that can also be presented to men.
3. Requests: aitémata : Petition precise and defined notion of intimacy, trust.
4. Thanksgiving: eucharistia : recognition and reminder of what God has done.
E. Osty: penetrated thanksgiving.

F. Alphonse Maillot: "And all kinds of prayers spend. Incidentally admire the humanity Paul: You have problems? Well! Share them with God! God listens to you, even when you're not a "good" prayer, even if it is childish; because even if God is ridiculous your worries, it can not find laughable the sentence that worries you inflict . "
~ And the peace of God will keep ~
A. Peace: It's shalom in the Old Testament, the state of fullness of being allowed to be even IHVH. ! The peace of God flows directly from the peace made with God. This peace is
an inner contentment given by God.

B. True peace is not found in positive thinking, in the absence of conflict, or in good feelings it is because we know that God is control. (LAB)

C. Which surpasses all understanding: JJ Muller: "This phrase probably means that God's peace and excels surpasses all our calculations intellectuals, all our considerations and our ideas for premeditated get rid of these worries."

D. Keep is a military term best translated as guard. The city of Philippi is a Roman garrison town, the expression had to fly. The peace of God is like a sentry around and protects the believer from the assaults of the enemy.

E. Rose-Marie Morlet "Curiously Paul does not refer to divine answers to requests . This peace is in charge of maintaining itself in Jesus Christ the center of our will and our intellect. These are no longer subjected to fear and doubts. "

~ Nourish your mind (SM) ~

A. A second way to deal with anxiety is to fill our thoughts and constructive things our lives constructive action. Time does not allow us to study this list in detail but the general thinking is clear.

B. Either the object of your thoughts (SG): PV, synod occupies your mind; SM: feed your mind; CH: it, have it considered. The Greek word logizesthe means: take that into consideration, think about that and then let these things form your conduct.

C. Paul emphasizes the influence of thought on the behavior: what occupies our mind determines our actions and our words.

D. This brings us to the word Looking

~ ~ Seek first

A. The first implies that there are priorities in life. The psychologist Abraham Maslow made it a pyramid beginning, he, by the physiological needs: eating and drinking and it puts our relationship with God at the top of the pyramid as part of self-realization The need for achievement (religious or philosophical aspect).

B. Jesus, himself, is reversing this conception of things. The religious aspect of our being is more important than eating and drinking. Jesus revealed what I now call the forgotten dimension.

C. The force of the word search is illustrated by some remarks:

1. In Greek, it is imperative that this would translate into better by "constantly looking .
2. It also has the force of the term recovery in the Beatitudes, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled " Matthew 5: 6
3. Story of the lost coin in Luke 15: 8 - "... and seek diligently until she finds .
4. We find the strength of this attitude in the way Jesus gave his life for us. " For the Son of man [Jesus] came to seek and save what was lost . Luke 19: 10

This expression involves more than throwing a glance. Search this sense implies a search diligent, honest and tenacious after something, sparing no expense or effort because the object sought is valued the highest degree. Christians should seek God and the things of God with the same intensity.
5.Et Finally, it What is the kingdom of God and His righteousness?

The kingdom of God and his righteousness [God]
A. This expression is a challenge in itself. Let me limit it to three simple sentences but explicit:
1. The kingdom is the realm where God reigns and His will is respected and fulfilled.
2. The kingdom of God is above all a spiritual reality more than a political entity (Mark 9: 1, 10: 14; 12: 34). In all these passages the word kingdom is better than the kingdom that looks like a territory, an area on which the King exercises his authority.
3. Sometimes, given the content of the hope of the kingdom, the kingdom is even synonymous with eternal life, salvation (Matthew 25: 34, 46, Mark 9 :43-47, 10: 17, 24s.).
4. The kingdom is realized in a life so obedient to the parameters set by God in his theology (creed) and its behavior.
5 When I read the Word of God with a sound understanding, is what I can say
"My heavenly father is proud of me?

A. Much has been said and it's a bit hard to digest all this, I left a set of notes to Pastor Lazarus and I do not mind what you do copies.

B. Three things must stay in your mind:
§ Do not worry about anything BUT

§ § Seek ye first the kingdom of God in your life.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

How To Change A Bathroom Light Cord

-Attendees of the July 7 in the first convetion
" Me and my house we will serve the Lord ." Joshua 24:15

On the sidelines of the first convention held in Brussels by the Christians of Europe in Burundi dates of 6, 7 and 8 July 2007, we were able to talk with two former Swedish missionary who worked for years in Burundi. These PasteursHenry Stålgren and Olof Djurfeldt. Both were accompanied by their respective wives. They

expressed their gratitude to God for the extraordinary revival in Burundi in Central African region in general. They expressed their admiration for the leaders, pastors and Burundi all those who collaborate with them for their courage and perseverance despite the enormous difficulties they faced. They urged Burundians to Christians to pray for their country and Europe in general to know that the alarm again.

The two men of God gave us the definition of a Christian, they conceive of as being a Christian come into possession of a identity over national identity and / or ethnicity. Pastor Olof speaks of Christian identity that is of Christ.

Both brothers had spoken on the matter of names, they are unanimous in saying that the issue of names is a thing of the earth: "God does not know that! He sees us all as his children enrolled in Him in His Book. "The two return to the important experiments that should not be ignored or overlooked is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.

Our conversation ends with a speech highly significant for every believer: " ... What matters is that we really have the fire of Christ, the Holy Spirit in our hearts, love of neighbor and everything is united together is our wish that we were preparing for the return of Christ "

" I made your name known, and I will make it known, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them . "John 17: 26

By Hilaire Nininahazwe