Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Inspiron Dell 1525 Sd Driver


world Type: spherical rock.
Size : F (equatorial diameter of 39 872km).
Echappée : 3 laps
Rotation: 22 hours.
Revolution: 880 days.
Moons : Martel, Bulwark, Musket.
Population: 48,736,492 Giff, Grommam 582 149, 358 412 Silekh Ogres.
Frame Magic: Diffuse, divine magic dominant
Pantheon : Knappak, Silekh

The homeworld of Giff is a huge savannah dotted with large lakes linked by a long river sinuant around the equator. Several chains of hills separating the rocky lakes where the poles stand of majestic glaciers. There is a strong heat almost throughout the year and rainfall is rare, large tracts of savanna and are often devastated by fires difficult to control. Trebuchet is a world dominated by Giff that profoundly altered their environment by canals, cities and bridges.

harbor :
These are the Ogres Silekh who control the few space ports located on the surface of Trebuchet, the War Council who wished to concentrate all the strongholds space on nearby moons. Ogres have arranged Trĕĕl ancient ruins in which their culture evolved over several centuries. The Giff have no attraction for these polar cities, windswept icy and difficult Access by land, but as Nŭŭmăskăăn ports, or Văălŭnĕĕn Mĕnăskăăn represent significant drop for all travelers outresphère discovering a culture conquered but more refined than Giff.

Ports Silekh turned to trade, they are home to the parent companies of the five Imperial Guilds Giff, ogres which are connected to centuries of political influence Imperial. Nŭŭmăskăăn is undoubtedly the largest port of Trebuchet Ogrin, It is home to over thirty nations trading posts or guilds outresphère and prosperity rivaling that of larger cities Giff. The last Ăknă'hăăn Silekh reign of covertly on trading in the city, and retains considerable influence extending through the Known Spheres, his speech can easily influence the Emperor of the Glorious Empire, ignoring the voices of Council of War. Nŭŭmăskăăn fund is built in a wide shaft in a glacier's northern pole, the spelljammers must begin a steep descent of a hundred meters before settling on large platforms lined of ancient statues representing heroes Silekh. The city stretches across twelve major caves, a unique land bridge used to the rally, three days after an underground crossing of the glacier. Built in a black rock in a composite architecture borrows from a hundred different cultures, Nŭŭmăskăăn buildings are all set with gems and enchantments with minors turning into the cold darkness of fairy lights changing.

Mĕnăskăăn Silekh port is another, smaller and less frequented by other people, it's home to shipyards gathering the best craftsmen who receive orders from more affluent areas of the Glorious Empire Giff. Located on a plateau of ice, the heart of the south pole, the city has resulted in some suburbs built in blocks of ice, rock being the only structures where the major cradles spelljammers are developed, all unique designs and custom. The majority of raw materials from vast subglacial caves where forges and carpentry workshops. The artisans Mĕnăskăăn are known for their expertise but according to former agreements, give up all their earnings to the temple of Kurnath, which ensures their prosperity and ensure that each member of the community live comfortably.

Trebuchet is known throughout the Known Spheres for a resource that Giff operate for centuries; The gunpowder. Savannah is poor in natural resources, and Imperial Guilds should have long filled the needs of large populations by importing all vital resources. But the planet has a natural compound making his fortune, and many fanning lusts. The gunpowder is the source of military power Giff, and for that, no other people can benefit, any attempt to appropriate triggering immediate hostilities and excessively violent. Huge mines exist Trebuchet, located in the heart of the savannah, they are surrounded by large fortresses and many patrols are around. Giff only prisoners are sent down the mines, and as in many places within the empire, any arcane magic is banished from the perimeter. Guilds imperial exist because the necessary transportation of gunpowder to the moons of Rampart iron or for supplying regular fleet of the Armada. Any other form of trading is secondary in culture Giff.

The Giff ancestors were wild barbarians living along the river Gunopa gathered in tribes, they were slaughtered to obtain resources and s' approached dangerously total extinction. Among them there existed powerful shamans, beating rain, bush fire and bark miraculous forest that grew then. These shamans, appointed Knappakarru, decided to appeal to the great minds in order to impose peace, to calm the moods of their warrior brothers and sisters. Only the Spirit of Fire deigned to reply, he caused a deluge that incineration of Giff villages, killed most of them, leaving only a handful of terrified survivors. He took physical form through the last three Knappakarru and offered a new destiny for Giff.

The rigors of the savanna fortified the people now unified, a new village was founded, which soon became a city named Karru. A great temple was erected in the center, and a caste of priests born Knappakarru around with them in a fragment of the Spirit of Fire. Giff development attracted the attention of another species, aggressive and greedy of wealth from the ground south of their territory frozen. Ogres Silekh were in the infancy of their civilization, formerly vassals of Trĕĕl they had dangerously regressed before expanding again, but only after losing valuable knowledge. Gathered tribal warriors led by the formidable powers of sorcerers related to cold, Sĭnĕskĕnĭĭ. Drawing on the remains of their knowledge Trĕĕl, Ogres Silekh provoked climate change causing an ice age to the world. A horde was gathered and swept Karru and surrounding villages. Terrified by the Cold supernatural falling on them, Giff turned to their spiritual protectors who opened a vortex in the heavens, raining fire on the ogres who were thus promptly routed. A long war began, the climate Trebuchet, so named Karuamapta, equilibrates while Knappakarru pact with the mysterious spirits from the cold, Silekh protectors. Giff founded the new cities, relying increasingly on fire magic to defeat their enemies. In the northern glaciers, the Ogres Silekh learned to pray to the spirits of ice to enhance the magic of Sĭnĕskĕnĭĭ profane, their civilization developed rapidly and locations of future space ports of Nŭŭmăskăăn, Văălŭnĕĕn were occupied.

After two centuries of conflict often latent, the priests of Knappakarru decided to forge a lasting peace with their counterparts Silekh the Sŭnŭskĭmĭĭ. Every people have consequently evolved into its environment without fear of further attacks. Very quickly, Ogres Silekh stagnated in their glaciers, now their advanced culture, but limited in their territorial expansion. Instead, Giff discovered gunpowder and developed throughout the savanna, neglecting the worship of Knappakarru quickly and turned to the new sciences. Great cities were built, canals dug through vast expanses allowed irrigation of vast fields, mills, foundries and farms were built worldwide, the new town became the home of rival nations, and invariably Giff violent nature manifested itself once again in fratricidal wars which lasted for nearly a century. They stopped with the appearance in all capitals beings skin blue, surrounded by fighters, mages and many other strange beings ensuring their safety. These strange beings said to be called "Secrets," and come to trade on a scale never imagined by the lords of Giff.

A new era began for this warlike people, limited to the boundaries of a world now too narrow. Large cities were unified by the most charismatic leader war Okonoc Meritus, who became the first Emperor of Giff, and established trade with Arcana. Low achievers in the control of secular arts, having too long neglected their religious duties, however, became the recipient of Giff spelljammers, propelled by Artefournaises inefficient but allowing a rapid conquest of the three neighboring moons. Arcane then offer their own spellcasters, from mysterious worlds, and sell the Glorious Empire Giff real drawbars of spelljamming. A new wave of conquest begins, but the new Council of War, higher authority to advise the Emperor turns can satisfy This dependence on arcane. New approaches are attempted to Ogres Silekh willing to serve as quartermaster in exchange for a prominent place in the Glorious Empire Giff. Arcane and their servants were dismissed and a new alliance was born. Soon the drawbars Sĭnĕskĕnĭĭ develop solar, more maneuverable and easy to design with available resources. The drawbars are now reserved for Arcana flagships of the fleet, while the resources of both worlds conquered are used to expand the number of vessels. To control the exorbitant spending, Guilds are imperial founded and became guarantors of trading within the system. Meanwhile, and in the utmost secrecy, the Emperor is sponsoring the creation of the Office of Inquiry, composed of observers and servants versatile, ready to respond to any threat within the Empire. No people worlds Trebuchet neighbors can not resist the Grand Army, but the emperors who succeeded to the throne during this period of conquest and often cruel wars choose not to crush their enemies, preferring to offer pacts vassalages, beneficial to all. Grommam, loxo War'Unaar and join together and become the Silekh Peoples protectors, allies of Giff and unwavering support of the Glorious Empire.

Giff The company has developed advanced following the rules of discipline and every aspect of an individual's life is governed by its membership in hierarchical chains. The Emperor is the father figure in ensuring the welfare of everyone, no member of the people do not think to challenge its authority, and many babies of low birth, he is a benevolent god. The present Emperor Donorop Momapam VII [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 10 - Officer of the Imperial Fleet Giff 10 / LN] is advised by three ministers, who run an office each gathering great resources. The Minister Vunol Tamuba [Giff ♂ / Dealer of the Spheres 16 - Officer of the Imperial Fleet Giff 8 / LN] controls the imperial and Guilds merchant fleet, the office also supports the protocol of the court, receptions and other activities outresphère the imperial diplomacy. Minister Uanat Kinupil [Giff ♀ / negotiate Spheres 12 - 10 Imperial Investigator / LN] is officially in charge of civil cases, both the correct application of the laws of imperial infrastructure development. Unofficially, Minister directs the Bureau of Investigation is intelligence Imperial, using a network of agents often external to the company receiving funding and Giff three times higher than those allocated to the other two offices. The Minister Tunorop Lonupam [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 14 - Officer of the Grand Army 12 / LN] is also Marshal of the Grand Army, he commanded an across the Empire. Giff's powerful military has its own fleet of support for logistics operations of its own intelligence service, to anticipate the aggressive actions of potential enemies, and can mobilize as much soldiers as necessary, puncturing both crews of the fleet that the campaigns of imperial worlds. The influential Council of War, which the Minister is a life member, voting directions that the Glorious Empire must take to follow the path of a brilliant destiny.

In addition to his three advisers, the Emperor hears the sound advice of the Grand Theurgist, priest of the cult Knappak and spiritual guide of the Glorious Empire. Uclano Pnocham [Giff ♂ / Priest Spheres [Knappak] 11 / LB] is the religious adviser to the emperor for only a few years, its influence is minimal on imperial affairs, but this is related to his grand plan to put a priest on board each Knappak Spelljammer Giff. To do this, it must strengthen the faith of his followers, and so he ordered the younger you go in the Known Spheres, a pilgrimage to better understand their place in Creation. Every city has a temple Knappak, religious and current is slowly increased the size of its congregations, Giff experiencing many fears about the dangers of outresphère. Only very recently a fifth consultant was authorized, and with it the creation a bureau attached to that of the Grand Army. Admiral Vetuop Mahunap [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 16 - Officer of the Imperial Fleet Giff 10 / LN] and directs the Office Assistant Fleet that brings together all the military space forces of the Empire and has many ports to the courts beyond the imperial laws. The Office Assistant is also responsible for military contingents Peoples protectors, including this Timoniers Sĭnĕskĕnĭĭ, blacksmiths War'Unaar where crews Grommam.

Specific sites:
Trebuchet is a world controlled by Giff and their inflexible discipline. Nature has complied with the imperial laws, and the planet was fully explored, mapped and transformed. Nevertheless, individual sites still exist, mainly within large polar glaciers, exclusive domain of Ogres Silekh.
Văălŭnĕĕn a spaceport is located in the southern glacier, it remains unknown to other people but is more than a trading center for Silekh. Văălŭnĕĕn is the sanctuary Millennium Sĭnĕskĕnĭĭ, mages leaders Ogrin society. All mystical knowledge is collected in deep caves, inscribed on stone tablets dating back to the era sometimes Trĕĕl. The city is officially open to other peoples, but its poorly stocked zocalo is knowingly and many neighborhoods are dangerous for travelers.

Karru is the historic capital of the Glorious Empire Giff, but it would be difficult to recognize its original boundaries, as the city has developed over the centuries. Home to nearly six million people, one third have a military background, Karru may be regarded as the safest city in the system. Few travelers come to Trebuchet, all are directed toward the wide plazas and massive towers, supporting a huge bomb carved in the likeness of legendary monsters. The city is organized like a garrison, each quarter is independent of the others, with its temple, its barracks, its collective canteens where families gather to relax. The imperial palace overlooking the capital, standing at its center, protected by a series of seven massive walls. Giff culture is not accustomed to a varied flora, but contact with other peoples as Syndarhaan led to the emergence of numerous public gardens in the heart of which were built large pools of mud, fun group of all citizens Giff.

The small moon rock Martel is the headquarters of the War Office, the venue of the Board of War in time of crisis, and also vast fortress built by generations of engineers Giff. Martel is composed of meanders of galleries fortified secret rooms and barracks could house ten thousand soldiers during three months. The basement has been converted into a major drinking water reservoirs, deep silos contain the necessary reserves for the armed forces of Great. General Natlup Mohop [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 10 - Officer of the Grand Army 8 / LM] to support the organization and control of the fortress, it must also ensure the safety of members of the Council of War and ensure that his troops, not less than three thousand soldiers, forming an elite able to favorably impress his superiors. General Mohop hopes to secure a place in the prestigious board.

Martel has a line of giant bomb positioned on its equator, a double line of catapults and ballista just to support this device to stop any intrusion on the orbit of Trebuchet. The bomb is protected by bastions also houses silos gunpowder, projectiles are stacks of one hundred pounds heavier bullets each.

Pavois is encircled at its equator with a network of bomb-forming giant defense network within the planetary system Giff, but contrary to Martel, the moon has three rows of bomb. The deposits are scattered gunpowder beneath the surface, interconnected by a network of galleries and barracks. The stacks of cannonballs are mountains on the lunar plain. General Tuomap Nurup [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 10 - Officer of the Grand Army 6 / LN] to support the defense system of Bulwark, he coordinates all the strongholds since the ancient lunar fortress lighthouse, built on the ruins of a mysterious city built by humanoids small beating an advanced form of druidic magic.

Moon furthest from Trebuchet is also known under the name Gate Corridor, as it is situated not far from the planetary gravity well the most important and most used by vessels approaching. The line continually bombards giant remains operational, but is especially Musket Headquarters Office Assistant Fleet, where a Council of Admirals gather independently of the Council of War to determine movements in the imperial fleet. The first fleet is based in the port turret, where Admiral Muotoc Nurpili [Giff ♂ / Warrior of the Spheres 10 - Officer of the Imperial Fleet Giff 12 / LB], provides a vigilant guardian of the Corridor. Through informal acquaintances with members of his family attached to the Bureau of Investigation, the Admiral is particularly well informed on the movements of spelljammers in its space. Council Member moderate War, it influences decisions in favor of Fleet.


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