Saturday, February 23, 2008

How To Change A Bathroom Light Cord

-Attendees of the July 7 in the first convetion
" Me and my house we will serve the Lord ." Joshua 24:15

On the sidelines of the first convention held in Brussels by the Christians of Europe in Burundi dates of 6, 7 and 8 July 2007, we were able to talk with two former Swedish missionary who worked for years in Burundi. These PasteursHenry Stålgren and Olof Djurfeldt. Both were accompanied by their respective wives. They

expressed their gratitude to God for the extraordinary revival in Burundi in Central African region in general. They expressed their admiration for the leaders, pastors and Burundi all those who collaborate with them for their courage and perseverance despite the enormous difficulties they faced. They urged Burundians to Christians to pray for their country and Europe in general to know that the alarm again.

The two men of God gave us the definition of a Christian, they conceive of as being a Christian come into possession of a identity over national identity and / or ethnicity. Pastor Olof speaks of Christian identity that is of Christ.

Both brothers had spoken on the matter of names, they are unanimous in saying that the issue of names is a thing of the earth: "God does not know that! He sees us all as his children enrolled in Him in His Book. "The two return to the important experiments that should not be ignored or overlooked is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.

Our conversation ends with a speech highly significant for every believer: " ... What matters is that we really have the fire of Christ, the Holy Spirit in our hearts, love of neighbor and everything is united together is our wish that we were preparing for the return of Christ "

" I made your name known, and I will make it known, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them . "John 17: 26

By Hilaire Nininahazwe