Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bethroom Shaving Vajin

"Delirium Night's October" Congratulations

Arrival white
Eyes willing
with me Beautiful in the simple, small, crude, clumsy, forced
A natural course played
This goes fast, linked together, mixes, voices everywhere are struggling to meet,
internal voices that address the other
No synchronization possible
No fusion, fluidity, impact splash, crash, fatigue , lassitude,

Quick quick to arrive at a time and then again soon to exhaust the moment, and then bodies las indulge
I can not love, blood, hatte, impatience,
not yet seen the flowers
Not yet opened his eyes, mouth than the body stops its fellowship with all ear is frustrating.

I thirst, thirst for calm learning
Why say, justify, fade,
It takes time, meaning, simple, beautiful canary

Patience to find the needle in the haystack Find fun
Find the essence of the acts, words, gestures

October 2007

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why Does My Sonicare Toothbrush Smell

but no papers for students "performing"

Congratulations but no papers for students "performing"
Immigration. Eric Besson deserving students received two reception classes. And would not discuss their situation of undocumented migrants.


Rania, Tiago, Anastasia, Parmiden, Leyi, Tirgran ... The students of the two "reception classes", reserved for newcomers poor command of French, Parisian lycée Paul Valéry were held Monday at Eric Besson. Group photo in the garden, petits fours and speeches: the Minister of Immigration had pulled all the stops to show that if the Republic of deportation, she knows how to reward the children of immigrants, provided they are brilliant.
Eric Besson announced the creation this year of 200 student scholarships in the amount of 2400 euros per year, allocated for three years maximum and "rewarding exceptional efforts of integration." Candidates should already be on equity and social criteria have attended reception classes - they leave evidence far and are well deserving. They must also picking up the tray with as good or very good, and be enrolled in IUT (University Institute of Technology), BTS (Brevet de technicien supérieur), or class preparation. Those who choose college are excluded ... "We wanted demanding pathways to excellence," said the minister.
"Equality". Surrounded by the Headmaster of Paul Valery and the inspector in charge of second degree in Paris, Eric Besson said he "hated the term" positive discrimination "but that it looked like:" We are restoring the true republican equality ". Questioned on students who want to integrate and explore but have lives too difficult to achieve, he replied that "most successful" deserved more. Yet
concerned, the Ministers of Education, Luc Chatel, and Higher Education, Valerie Pecresse, were absent. As if their colleague had wanted him to take cover. "It was organized among us, because we are the ones that finance 100% and it is us who had the idea," explained his entourage. Until the end, however, some confusion reigned: Students and their teachers were persuaded to go to Luc Chatel. The Headmaster announced an invitation to "Minister" without specifying. When the truth was sweating by checking the address, a student has waived: major, he is threatened with expulsion.
In these classes, much of the family is undocumented.
Contradiction. Wearing the badge RESF (Réseau Education Sans Frontières), a teacher has denounced the contradiction between welcoming all students and expel them when they are 18 years if they are undocumented. "This is not the subject of discussion" replied Eric Besson. Some students said they were shocked at the exit. A list of a dozen families were sent to the ministry: children, Paul Valery, hang in the classroom, but why so much effort if the parents are undocumented.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How To Unblock Farmville On Facebook News Feed

The return of Christ (II)

The chronology of events

We have no details as to the exact date of Christ's return . But we know in two stages. As a first time Christ will descend from heaven and meet the Church (the resurrected dead and kidnapped Christians live) in the air. This event will be peaceful, for against the backdrop that will prevail at this time will be tight enough.

escalation will only accelerate in worsens which will lead to armed confrontation extremely deadly 1 which will result in the victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophet Zechariah, among others, is the exhaustive description of the day of the Lord in chapter 14. He will then establish the kingdom of a thousand years on earth. This is not the end ... follow our subsequent editions.

It should be noted that upon removal of the Church, Christ will not put his foot on earth! We shall be caught up in the clouds, to meet him in the air (see 1 Thessal.4: 16).

" Please because you do not know what day your Lord will come. "
Matthew 24: 42.44

This will be the fulfillment of a promise that Jesus - Christ gave to his disciples, and therefore we (teach them everything I have commanded you ... "Matthew 28: 20).
" So if I go and prepare a place I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also . "John 14: 3
The chronology of events

1. At the sound of the trumpet of God, the Lord shall descend from heaven.
2. The dead in Christ shall rise First
3. Then we which are alive (which are in Christ) shall be caught up with them (the resurrected dead) in the clouds.
4. We will then go together to meet the Lord in the air.
5. All nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle ... The eternal come out and fight against those nations .... His feet will put in days on the Mount of Olives. .. The Lord shall be king over all the earth ... the Lord shall be (name) single . "Zechariah 14 :2-9
... And the messenger of the covenant that you desire, it come, saith the LORD of hosts
. Malachi 3: 1
- 6. Souls *: - those who have been killed in the ax
- those who have been executed for the testimony of
Jesus and the Word of God.
- those who refuse to worship the beast or his image
- those who have not received the mark (Apocalypse 13: 16-18) on the forehead or on
hand RISEN!
This will by the end of the first resurrection.
- 7. After that an angel from heaven holding in his hand a key and a great chain seize the dragon, that ancient serpent ie the Devil / Satan and bind for a thousand years and cast into the abyss and shut. Apocalypse 20 :1-2 (NB. Events yet to come!)
- 8. "They (* souls of those who died ...) will be priests of God and Christ and reign with Christ a thousand years. "Apocalypse 20 :4-6

The remainder of what will happen after the kingdom of a thousand years will be a further contribution. For questions related to this theme, we are prepared to respond by email or by post.
Word of Peace and Reconciliation

Hilaire Nininahazwe
Graf Stauffenberg-Str. 6, D-53115 Bonn
1 " For then there will be great tribulation such as never has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now ... And if those days were not shortened, people would be saved, but because of the elect those days will be shortened . "Matthew 24:21-22

Scottish Terrier Poodle Mix

The return of Christ (I)

" What happened to the days of Noe, so The same day the Son of man.
People ate, drank, they married ... until the day Noah entered the ark
the flood came and destroyed them all
. "Luke 17:26-27

" For the Lord himself, at a given signal, the voice of the archangel and sound the trumpet of God shall descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall we be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. "1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

It is often said that history is an eternal. And yet, the word spoken above shows indeed a significant change: There was never such a thing before!

" Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Because it requires that this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
"1 Corinthians 15:51-54

The selectivity is highlighted in all the texts related to the kidnapping.

" It will be the day when the Son of Man will appear. On that day, as that will be on the roof, which will have its effects in the house, not come down to take them and the man who is in the field not turn back either. Remember Lot's wife. Whoever seeks to save his life shall lose it and whoever loses will find it. Luke 17:31-33

One might reasonably ask the question about the meaning of " ... the dead in Christ shall rise first. "These are the righteous (Luke 14:14).
This means that there are some who do not rise at that time. Obviously everyone will not be removed!

" Do not marvel at this: for the hour is coming when all who are in the graves shall hear his voice and come forth. Those who have done good will rise to live, but those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. "John 5:28-29

The Word of God clearly states that the righteous as the wicked shall rise (Daniel 12:2)! It should be noted that this resurrection will not take place at the same time. The destination of the righteous will be quite different from that of the wicked.

" The other did not return to life until the thousand years were finished ... happy and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them ... "Apocalisse. 20:5-6

The apostle Paul, who received many revelations during the course of his ministry, about the resurrection and the life to come exhorts us as follows.

" and I have hope toward God, as they themselves this expectation, there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust . Acts 24:15 (See Acts 23:6)
" If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are the most unhappy of all men. "1 Corinthians 15:9

" And I saw thrones, and those who were seated was given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads and on their hand. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years . Apocalypse 20

The remainder of what will happen after the kingdom of a thousand years will be a further contribution. For questions related to this theme, we are prepared to respond by email or by post.
- Read-

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why Does Santa Has Beard

The return of Christ is at hand: Repent

Kenyan PM Raila Odinga cofessé of his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. He recovered so as Lord and Savior.

disponobles are moving images on the Internet. Here, the PM greets Dr. David Owour was baptized.

Dr. David Owuor also claims he had a vision showing him that the Lord is coming soon. It calls for repentance, he begged the church to divest itself of its sins and # stop preaching the gospel of prosperity which he compares to gold bull that Israelis had during the absence of Moses.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blueprints For A Ultralight

Mteteeni Yesu "Call on Jesus"

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,

we had the pleasure to present the report of the last two conventions organized by Assembly Disciples of Christ in Belgium. Until other occasions of the kind occur we will present the songs of praise from various African countries and the diaspora. As we are part of a family, we will also have opportunities to offer songs from all five continents.

We are happy to listen to the voice of our sister, now with the Lord, Angela Chibolanza. The Congolese talent was born in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Most of his songs were in Swahili but also sang in French, English and Lingala course.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Images Excercises Frozen Shoulder

"The desire of suffering"

If I think the desire to do something that continually itches and spurring millions of young Europeans who can not who can no longer bear all this trouble or even had to endure - I realize that there must have in them a desire to endure some pain to take to make their suffering a plausible reason to act, to accomplish a feat. Distress is necessary! Hence the din of politicians, hence the large number of "distress" false, fabricated, exaggerated in all possible classes and the blind complacency to believe. These young people demand that they bring or do see from the outside, not a kind of happiness but unhappiness, and their imagination is already occupied in advance by make a monster, so we can then fight with a monster. If these thirsty distress felt in them the strength to do good to themselves from within, to do something for themselves, they can also be purchased from inside own distress, proper personal. Their inventions may then be more subtle and satisfying to hear such beautiful music: when they meet today's world with their cries of distress and therefore all too often the feeling of helplessness! They can not do anything for themselves and so they try the devil, referring to the misfortune of others: they have always needs of others! And constantly to others! - Sorry, my friends, I dared to tempt fate by talking about my happiness.

Nietzsche, The gay science
Photo: Jean Chamoux

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Meaning Of The Arabic Word Hayete In English

For Debating the Tunisian cinema

A new blog to follow ...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Where Does Holly Willoughby Get Her Clothes 2010

ideal of beauty ....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fengshuiwaterfall Direction

"The Crossing" in Tunisian film festival in Paris

At occasion of the Second Film festival in Paris the Tunisian
short film "The Crossing" will be screened this Saturday, March 14th at 16:00 at Cinema Blue Archipelago.

For more information about the program and the exact address here is the site of the Festival

"Crossing العبور"
Nadia Touijer.
A child of eight, lives in a suburb on the heights of Tunis.Il down to the city to deposit its book collection and hopes to win bicyclette.Seul a little or he is facing the metropolis. His background is more complicated than expected ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cinderella Dresses Tkmaxx

change color

Kitchen Aid Mixer Paddle Dishwasher Safe?

Flowers in my garden

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Farmhouse Tables For Sale North Carolina

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pinnacle 55e Driver Win7 Letöltés

Morning Reading Some pictures Fespaco

Fespaco touch soon at its end, many Tunisian films are in competition with one major party by jeunes.Cela pleasure.

little fairy Fespaco

Opens in a full stadium.

Small deleguation tunisoalgérinne well tanned

sculpture with recycled materials at the headquarters of Fespaco.

Place filmmakers!!

Short visit for breakfast.

Suite and late I have a little time:))

Friday, February 27, 2009

How To Masterbate At Scool

Although arrival What to do when Ouagadougou

40 degrees, lizards everywhere apparently they are like cats in the streets in capital nous.Une effervesence. Beautiful encounters with people and with a continent. A good local beer! and some sad news on the phone ... but life continues at least for the moment the film continuously.
I'll let you know ...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

purple is her favorite color: (?

I can not help that child already has and even well before the arrival of 7 magic! I always loved purple! Just look at my photos of A3aid saghir to understand everything!
Since it has become a color so connoted in Tunisia and that voice anywhere, (flags, facade cho3ba, abbreviation of the national television this summer ... .. I even saw trees whose trunks painted étaientt ... purple) purple has gone from our closets, yes! soon as one wears a purple dress is sure to hear the famous reply: "Echnoua Hezbiste! "This year
purple is fashionable, so I can tell you that for me who does not like shopping shopping becomes a real pleasure.

And you turn you purple?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Vip Suitcase For New Lock

"Hollywood and Arab kes, how Hollywood vilifies a people"

3rd party:

hollywood and arabes_3 / 3
sent tchelsoo

Production : The Media Education Fundation Based on the book by Jack Shaheen
This documentary completely new to scrutinize one of the most scurrilous of the history of film and that nobody had ever dared to challenge, since the silent era until 'to major Hollywood productions of today. Presented by Jack Shaheen, Ph.D., renowned author, the film is the long line of degrading images that were used to represent the Arab cinema.
Bandits Bedouin girls submitted, through the sinister sheikhs and armed terrorists, this documentary sheds light on devastating the origin of these stereotypical portrayals and their appearance at key moments in U.S. history United, at the same time demonstrating the serious consequences of that performance today. Jack Shaheen shows how, over the years, the persistence of these images has meant to trivialize the prejudices maintained against Arabs and Arab culture, which had the effect of reinforcing a narrow view of individual home Arab and increase the impact of domestic and international policies of the United States on their lives.
By encouraging the viewer to reflect on the social, political and simply human caricatures of Hollywood, this film wants to recognize the urgency of providing an opposing view that would do justice to the diversity and character of human People Arabic, while highlighting the real face and the rich history and Arab culture.

Navy Ocs Disqualifing

"Hollywood and the Arabs, how Hollywood vilifies a people"

2nd part:

Production: The Media Education Fundation Based on the book by Jack Shaheen

This documentary completely new to scrutinize one of the most scurrilous of the history of film and that nobody had ever dared to challenge, since the silent era to big Hollywood productions of today. Presented by Jack Shaheen, Ph.D., renowned author, the film is the long line of degrading images that were used to represent the Arab cinema.
Bandits Bedouin girls submitted, through the sinister sheikhs and armed terrorists, this documentary sheds light on devastating the origin of these stereotypical portrayals and their appearance at key moments in the history of the United States , at the same time showing the consequences of this representation today. Jack Shaheen shows how, over the years, the persistence of these images has meant to trivialize the prejudices maintained against Arabs and Arab culture, which had the effect of reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arab origin and increase the impact of domestic and international policies of the United States on their lives.
By encouraging the viewer to reflect on the social, political and simply human caricatures of Hollywood, this film wants to recognize the urgency of providing an opposing view that would do justice to the diversity and character Human Arab people, while highlighting the real face and the rich history and Arab culture.

Congratulations Messages Wedding

"Hollywood and the Arabs, how hollywood degrades a people "

Production: The Media Education Fundation Based on book by Jack Shaheen

This documentary completely new to scrutinize one of the most scurrilous of the history of film and that nobody had ever dared to challenge, since the time from silent to big Hollywood productions of today. Presented by Jack Shaheen, Ph.D., renowned author, the film is the long line of degrading images that were used to represent the Arab cinema.
Bandits Bedouin girls submitted, through the sinister sheikhs and armed terrorists, this documentary sheds light on devastating the origin of these stereotypical portrayals and their appearance at key moments in the history of United States, at the same time showing the consequences of this representation today. Jack Shaheen shows how, over the years, the persistence of these images has meant to trivialize the prejudices maintained against Arabs and Arab culture, which had the effect of reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arab origin and increase the impact of domestic and international policies of the United States on their lives. By encouraging the viewer to reflect on the social, political and simply human caricatures of Hollywood, this film wants to recognize the urgency of providing an opposing view that would do justice to the diversity and humanness the Arab people, while highlighting the real face and the rich history and Arab culture.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Do U Have Hot Flashes Before Or After Ovulation

" Living up "from

That which is hidden
When the wind gets up
lest he pushes us towards
fighting too hard
That which is hidden in each
Who says after another
I am confident that

That we hide our shadow
What a moment
To better flee anxiety
Let the shadow of a shadow child
That has planted in us
When we were twenty
Would it be impossible to live up

Jacque Brel

Can You Get Herpes From Used Pants?

Need help

I would like to know how to upload video from youtube or google video dailymotion on end to be visible from Tunisia. Thank

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What Are The Main Treatments Of Stds

The strangest creatures

Like mold, my brother,
You're like Trapped
mold and quiet.
You're awesome, my brother,
As the mouth of an extinct volcano.
And you're not, alas,
You're not five,
You are millions.
You're like a sheep, my brother dressed
When the executioner of your skin
When the knacker raises his stick
You can not wait to join the flock
And you go to the slaughterhouse run, almost proudly.
You're the strangest creatures, after all,
Funnier than fish
Who lives in the sea without knowing the sea
And if there is so much misery on earth
Thanks to you, my brother ,
If we are hungry, exhausted,
If we sum up blood
Pressed skinned like grapes in our wine,
Shall I even say it's your fault, no, but you're at
much to my brother.

Nazim Hikmet

Friday, February 13, 2009

Master Of Comments On Lamp Lightin Ceremony

Reed Brody when a passage to the side of us?

On September 16, 2008, Chadians have brought a complaint against Habré, their former president for crimes against humanity. A U.S. lawyer, head of the NGO Human Rights Watch, has decided to charge the dictator.
The lawyer, Reed Brody, is nicknamed "the dictator hunter" since he got a few years ago proceedings against Agusto Pinochet, former Chilean president.
For Special Investigation, the journalist Florent Chevolleau followed the tracks of the lawyer Reed Boady against Habré, dictator still unpunished. Issue

to see tonight at 22:15 on Canal Plus.
See excerpt here:


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pain Behind The Right Ear

....... Check

Wind flows and goes,
The same wind balance
never twice the same cherry branch.

Birds are chirping in the tree: the wings who want to fly.
The door is closed:
must force it.

You're what I want:
that life is beautiful as you, friendly and loving. I know
it is not over yet,
banquet misery. He'll
yet .......

Nazim Hikmet
October 2, 1945

Cat Ate Ballon Ribbon

same as there may be injuries hidden under trucks

Gazan Roses for Valentine

Gaza product carnations, roses and chrysanthemums. The mild climate and proximity to the sea provide ideal conditions. Ten years ago, producers Gazans exporting 80 million flowers a year. But since the takeover by Hamas in 2007, and the blockade imposed by Israel, exports have virtually ceased.
The European market needs flowers for Valentine's Day. Israel has yielded to the request of the Netherlands and eased the blockade on an exceptional basis. Coordination is made by the Dutch government. Its representatives are waiting at the Israeli border.
The amount authorized to pass only a small part of the production of Gaza. But it will relieve some farmers. And it will also benefit the Israeli trade. Most flowers from Gaza are bought for export by an Israeli company, which then exports to Europe.
(According to Mr. Klaric)