The chronology of events
We have no details as to the exact date of Christ's return . But we know in two stages. As a first time Christ will descend from heaven and meet the Church (the resurrected dead and kidnapped Christians live) in the air. This event will be peaceful, for against the backdrop that will prevail at this time will be tight enough.
escalation will only accelerate in worsens which will lead to armed confrontation extremely deadly 1 which will result in the victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophet Zechariah, among others, is the exhaustive description of the day of the Lord in chapter 14. He will then establish the kingdom of a thousand years on earth. This is not the end ... follow our subsequent editions.
It should be noted that upon removal of the Church, Christ will not put his foot on earth! We shall be caught up in the clouds, to meet him in the air (see 1 Thessal.4: 16).
" Please because you do not know what day your Lord will come. "
Matthew 24: 42.44
Matthew 24: 42.44
This will be the fulfillment of a promise that Jesus - Christ gave to his disciples, and therefore we (teach them everything I have commanded you ... "Matthew 28: 20).
" So if I go and prepare a place I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also . "John 14: 3
The chronology of events
1. At the sound of the trumpet of God, the Lord shall descend from heaven.
2. The dead in Christ shall rise First
3. Then we which are alive (which are in Christ) shall be caught up with them (the resurrected dead) in the clouds.
4. We will then go together to meet the Lord in the air.
5. All nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle ... The eternal come out and fight against those nations .... His feet will put in days on the Mount of Olives. .. The Lord shall be king over all the earth ... the Lord shall be (name) single . "Zechariah 14 :2-9
... And the messenger of the covenant that you desire, it come, saith the LORD of hosts
. Malachi 3: 1
- 6. Souls *: - those who have been killed in the ax
- those who have been executed for the testimony of
Jesus and the Word of God.
- those who refuse to worship the beast or his image
- those who have not received the mark (Apocalypse 13: 16-18) on the forehead or on
hand RISEN!
This will by the end of the first resurrection.
- 7. After that an angel from heaven holding in his hand a key and a great chain seize the dragon, that ancient serpent ie the Devil / Satan and bind for a thousand years and cast into the abyss and shut. Apocalypse 20 :1-2 (NB. Events yet to come!)
- 8. "They (* souls of those who died ...) will be priests of God and Christ and reign with Christ a thousand years. "Apocalypse 20 :4-6
The remainder of what will happen after the kingdom of a thousand years will be a further contribution. For questions related to this theme, we are prepared to respond by email or by post.
Word of Peace and Reconciliation
Hilaire Nininahazwe
Graf Stauffenberg-Str. 6, D-53115 Bonn
1 " For then there will be great tribulation such as never has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now ... And if those days were not shortened, people would be saved, but because of the elect those days will be shortened . "Matthew 24:21-22
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