Congratulations but no papers for students "performing"
Immigration. Eric Besson deserving students received two reception classes. And would not discuss their situation of undocumented migrants.
Immigration. Eric Besson deserving students received two reception classes. And would not discuss their situation of undocumented migrants.
Rania, Tiago, Anastasia, Parmiden, Leyi, Tirgran ... The students of the two "reception classes", reserved for newcomers poor command of French, Parisian lycée Paul Valéry were held Monday at Eric Besson. Group photo in the garden, petits fours and speeches: the Minister of Immigration had pulled all the stops to show that if the Republic of deportation, she knows how to reward the children of immigrants, provided they are brilliant.
Eric Besson announced the creation this year of 200 student scholarships in the amount of 2400 euros per year, allocated for three years maximum and "rewarding exceptional efforts of integration." Candidates should already be on equity and social criteria have attended reception classes - they leave evidence far and are well deserving. They must also picking up the tray with as good or very good, and be enrolled in IUT (University Institute of Technology), BTS (Brevet de technicien supérieur), or class preparation. Those who choose college are excluded ... "We wanted demanding pathways to excellence," said the minister.
"Equality". Surrounded by the Headmaster of Paul Valery and the inspector in charge of second degree in Paris, Eric Besson said he "hated the term" positive discrimination "but that it looked like:" We are restoring the true republican equality ". Questioned on students who want to integrate and explore but have lives too difficult to achieve, he replied that "most successful" deserved more. Yet
"Equality". Surrounded by the Headmaster of Paul Valery and the inspector in charge of second degree in Paris, Eric Besson said he "hated the term" positive discrimination "but that it looked like:" We are restoring the true republican equality ". Questioned on students who want to integrate and explore but have lives too difficult to achieve, he replied that "most successful" deserved more. Yet
concerned, the Ministers of Education, Luc Chatel, and Higher Education, Valerie Pecresse, were absent. As if their colleague had wanted him to take cover. "It was organized among us, because we are the ones that finance 100% and it is us who had the idea," explained his entourage. Until the end, however, some confusion reigned: Students and their teachers were persuaded to go to Luc Chatel. The Headmaster announced an invitation to "Minister" without specifying. When the truth was sweating by checking the address, a student has waived: major, he is threatened with expulsion.
In these classes, much of the family is undocumented.
Contradiction. Wearing the badge RESF (Réseau Education Sans Frontières), a teacher has denounced the contradiction between welcoming all students and expel them when they are 18 years if they are undocumented. "This is not the subject of discussion" replied Eric Besson. Some students said they were shocked at the exit. A list of a dozen families were sent to the ministry: children, Paul Valery, hang in the classroom, but why so much effort if the parents are undocumented.
Contradiction. Wearing the badge RESF (Réseau Education Sans Frontières), a teacher has denounced the contradiction between welcoming all students and expel them when they are 18 years if they are undocumented. "This is not the subject of discussion" replied Eric Besson. Some students said they were shocked at the exit. A list of a dozen families were sent to the ministry: children, Paul Valery, hang in the classroom, but why so much effort if the parents are undocumented.
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