If I think the desire to do something that continually itches and spurring millions of young Europeans who can not who can no longer bear all this trouble or even had to endure - I realize that there must have in them a desire to endure some pain to take to make their suffering a plausible reason to act, to accomplish a feat. Distress is necessary! Hence the din of politicians, hence the large number of "distress" false, fabricated, exaggerated in all possible classes and the blind complacency to believe. These young people demand that they bring or do see from the outside, not a kind of happiness but unhappiness, and their imagination is already occupied in advance by make a monster, so we can then fight with a monster. If these thirsty distress felt in them the strength to do good to themselves from within, to do something for themselves, they can also be purchased from inside own distress, proper personal. Their inventions may then be more subtle and satisfying to hear such beautiful music: when they meet today's world with their cries of distress and therefore all too often the feeling of helplessness! They can not do anything for themselves and so they try the devil, referring to the misfortune of others: they have always needs of others! And constantly to others! - Sorry, my friends, I dared to tempt fate by talking about my happiness.
Nietzsche, The gay science
Photo: Jean Chamoux
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