Before celebrating his 25 years (the old ugh!), Cedric has celebrated the first anniversary of his blog, he is to slaughter from elsewhere to another while it all clean. All this has
Benoit spends in the Parc Monceau in the seventeenth very select (near the Embassy of Saudi Arabia you specify the select).
can be recognized on the left (arm) Gimmeakiss the famous, the man of Cedric, the blue tin Pedro Torres, the great black athletic body of Cedric, right Cousinadoré (cousin loved Cedric) specially come for the opportunity to Florence (very chic Cousinadoré).
were also invited to Tagada Haribo strawberries (it's bo life), Coca Cola in its popular form of a PET bottle of one liter and half a bag of giant M & M's, chips Bon Marché (for snobinocratie of the uneducated, the Bon Marché, which belongs to Bernard Arnaud is very very expensive). It also recognizes Flodor chips (made certainly not a redneck) and small butters LU, but chocolate chip to sort. Other
Bogosse were also present, but being gay, have preferred not to be discretion in the picture.
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