In the rules, it is customary that we start with the basics (like how a lot of nonsense haunt the world). For once (once is not usually specify it), I think I'm going to respect this rule. Let's begin. Hum Hum (clarification of voice, even if it is useless Piske write).
At first glance, one might think that everything is natural, some traditional offenses, summary (from flashing away - no matter how famous place - and others exceeded the speed limit), although in truth, normality here is a rare commodity!
Indeed, once on the ground, you realize that Reality (the real of course) is not at all similar to the first frame. Take a cyclist (for once, I agree - in my kindness (no do not sing my praises ... yet ^ ^) - to serve as an example) who goes to his school ( So mine). How many times I risked my life in this journey of just over two miles each way (or each return)?

Consider this. Today, while returning from the course, I found myself almost hit by a truck that rolls by brushing against anything that is his right (parked cars, sidewalks, me ...). Then drag myself out of this street where everyone is convinced that it is not but limited to 50 to 90 ( ben what? they will tell you if you ask them), I came face to nose with ... a sedan ... believed to be in England (and thus stock left - or in front of me, hence the "nose to nose " you follow?). And again! This afternoon, under the downpour, I noticed something ...
The Rochefortais are afraid of water ! Yep! The eight drops falling from the sky can damage their beloved car ... suddenly, unlike the rest of the world, underwater, in the rain (so) Rochefortais ... accelerate !
Finally, I would say that after a year of two return flights a day to bike, so I'm still alive, it was a miracle ... But one thing is sure: If I ever die, it will be on the road!
This article is of course a little sketch of conduct demonstrative of horror taking place in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime. =)
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