Pastor Stålgren Henry and Anna-Carin . They were visiting Burundi, 4 years ago.
C and former missionary and director of the Ecole Normale de Kiremba. He talks about his work at the Institute of Biblical Mugar where he worked as Director. In the meantime, his wife Ann-Carin, dealt brilliantly for the Coordination of health centers run by the Churches of Pentecost.
The couple invites all who may well support this work where the needs are enormous.
"But we finished our work at Mugar 17 years ago and needs are always extremely huge following development in the churches ... So if somebody has the capability to support the school ..." It would be great. We would appreciate it.
Three years thanks to Mugar from 1990 to 1993.
I had the privilege in August 1986 to entrust the responsibility of management of the Normal School / High School for a replacement National Kiremba Mr. Kanyabitabu Andrew, a man of confidence, very competent.
was a great joy for my wife and me to see that work in this school Kiremba was over for us - after 15 years of work (shared between four terms) - often very hard. We arrived in Burundi in 1965 for the first time and we thought that our work in Burundi was finally completed in 1986 .-
But after a while in Sweden, the Church of Mugar has begun to send Invitations to work at the Bible Institute (WBI). We would, my wife and I preferred to stay in Sweden with our children. Furthermore, we had great jobs and important responsibilities to the Church. And yet, God had another plan for us both!
It was not easy for us to return to Burundi . But for God all things are possible .- We asked permission to our churches that we had already sent in 1965 and they have accepté.Par the grace of God, all was well in order for our three children - Eva, David and Patrick were all in agreement. Unfortunately I am became very ill. Hosptalisé I was five weeks before the scheduled date for departure. I had surgery during the hospitalization. At the date of our departure was restored .- It was in September 1990. .
M one wife was approached by CEPBU take responsibility like. coordinator of health centers in Burundi Pentecostal churches - also a very labor-important. As for me, the church asked me to work as a professor and Director of the Institute of Biblical Mugar.
Pentecostal churches in Burundi had at that time approximately 220,000 members. The alarm was still a reality and there was great baptisms each year. And the needs of pastors and evangelists was very great .- At the moment there were only three Bible schools in Burundi where the pastors and evangelists could receive training tailored to the needs of the servants of God in Kayogoro, and to Kigozi at Mugar.
The situation in Mugar
Material conditions were not favorable to school in the Bible Institute of Mugar. The main building the Institute was always terrible disorders Trademark 1972. The sheets had a lot of machine-gun bullet holes. They were temporarily repaired with capsules of coca-cola. In addition, the boarding school was built in non-durable material. While the board of the school was a room in the dwelling house for missionaries. In addition, the capacity of students was lower compared to the number of candidates.
The Filadelfia Church in Stockholm - in coordination with other churches in Sweden - supported by financial assistance from IBM to operate each year. It gave the same support to other Bible schools. Later this responsibility was taken over by the Pentecostal churches in Burundi. However, the necessary assistance for the repair and construction of the Institute, was difficult to obtain. For all of us - missionaries - Pastors - Evangelical - Churches - there was only one possibility: The Prayer ! -
The Church of Pentecost Eksjö, Sweden.
invitation of the Church of Pentecost Eksjö (the local Church of Miss Kerstin Fransson, who worked 40 years at Mugar) Andre Rurageze Senior Pastor of the Church of Sweden visited Mugar end of 1990 - My wife and I have also visited the Church of Eksjö before we left for Burundi
.- Once in Burundi, we started provide reports to the needs of the Biblical Institute of the Church of Mugar Eksjö, who in turn contacted other churches in Sweden .- In 1991, she took the agreement to become the godmother of the Biblical Institute Mugar .- It thus took over the role of contacting churches and organizations on behalf of IBM. The church Eksjö awarded IBM the sum total 169,810 Swedish Krona (SEK). Other churches in Sweden have provided - as well as private individuals - the total sum of 50,630 SEK.
General training and practice
By the grace of God we were able to contact a Swedish brother, well known in Burundi at the time: ie Mr Arne Fransson. This brother had created a foundation "New Future" that could collect requests for assistance for social works .- We presented problems for him but it was not easy to provide assistance to a school Bible.
So we continued to pray, discuss and explore together how do .-
Biblical Institute had four years of education but the education level and knowledge of students was very varied. We found that some students had to have additional general courses mainly in French, but also in Mathematics, Accounting, Geography, History, Management and Sciences during the first two years of study.
Because IBM did not have specialist teachers in all these materials, we have to appeal to teachers Lycee de Mugar
.- They were willing and they readily accepted this charge .- The compensation was modest to see their dispostion to serve not only as teachers but also to the library, use the typewriters of the IBM ... I'm sure they have received another salary plus: The blessing of God, and I heard the good cooperation continues between the two schools. Glory to God!
view the situation, we decided to focus the general course of four years of study at the Bible Institute for two years and call them " General education and practice ".- Of course, there were Bible courses but fewer .- Students who have completed lower secondary humanities (tenth year) could - after an entrance exam - be accepted directly in 3rd year.
Application submitted to "New Future "
We finally decided to submit an application to the management of the Foundation "New Future".
needs of the institute were very numerous: Two classrooms, an office building for the boarding school with sanitary facilities, kitchen with dining, and more - inventories and facilities for these buildings. We introduced the request and we prayed. And - Glory to God - the response was favorable!
Amount Awarded: 683 560 SEK.
Application submitted to PMU Interlife. After
contacts and discussions with PMU Interlife, we were given the green light to submit an application and other instructional materials for classes in "General Education and Practice."
Thus we have created a demand for books for the library and students, maps and boards, typewriters etc. ..-
A sum of 200,000 SEK. We were granted. Glory to God!
Summary of aid to the Institute for Biblical Mugar building, installations and inventory:
1. Church of Pentecost Eksjö 169. 810 SEK
2. Other churches / 50,630 private donations "
3. 683,560 New Future "
4. PMU Interlife 200,000 "
Sum Total: 1,104,000 SEK
( Approximately 150,200 U.S. dollars )
Before concluding this summary we would like to recall the two very important people for the Bible Institute of Mugar that the Lord has called, following many years of service with his brothers great fidelity to the Lord:
- The pastor and missionary Algot Edlund -
death in 1992 - The first pastor of the Church of Mugar Rurageze Andrew died in 1993
When we left, they were very great loss to us all!
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Finally, we thank all those with whom we had the privilege of working : In our three years at Mugar: Pastors, missionaries, professors at the Biblical Institute and the School of Mugar and all other collaborators and of course the Church of Mugar .-
May God bless you all! Signed in
Ekerö / Sweden in 2010
Anna-Carin - Henry Stålgren
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