Sunday, November 7, 2010

Whois Melena Velba Husband


world Type: Spherical rocky
Size: G (equatorial diameter of 134 459km)
Echappée : 4 laps
Rotation: 43 hours
Revolution : 1 432 days
Moons : Sanctorum
population: 392 442 Ominiens
Magic : Advanced, divine magic dominant
Pantheon : Seven Founders

Ominum is a frozen world, covered with thick ice that remain eternal in some warm seas. Intense volcanic activity at the poles to maintain a subglacial strata in which life is possible. The surface is swept by strong winds and planar gates open occasionally to release many creatures do not usually surviving the rigors of time in this hostile world. Still, Ominum is a living world, including wildlife and flora have developed groundwater in the seas, sustaining only minimal influence of the sun's energy planar amethyst. Ominum is a giant planet within which powerful elemental forces combine.

harbor : Ominum seems never to have been colonized by Clydön, no trace of their arrogant included will remain on the surface of this world. Nevertheless, the ancestors of Ominiens seem to have been an advanced race of slaves and cruel beating of terrifying forms of magic. No trace remains To date, apart from a few legends, but always seems to have possessed Ominum these climatic characteristics unique to restrict any implementation of a port spelljamming.

Resources: The world's surface is continuously swept by raging winds, carrying ice crystals that can pierce the armor of the best steel, and often including supernatural properties linked to a vortex or a portal. Every form of life sees his longevity to the woefully shortened Ominum surface, but it is quite another to nearly sixty miles down, away a thick coat of ice, in a suitable environment for a multitude of life forms endurance. Several warm-water species are well soaked forming a complex chain, atop which are the Ominiens. The dominant people of Ominum blithely draws on the resources of his world, catching huge quantities of fish and golden translucent bodies appointed Kuapa. Hunting in the deepest galleries lizards ice Gizi appointed, and whose scales allow the manufacture of many garments. USED BY Ominiens also the many blue-green algae, the scynules, which are the basis of a once great thermal insulator mixed with sea water into ice. The material thus shaped is the foundation of all buildings ominiennes, it keeps intact the property phosphorescent algae, making each city a jewel of light in the dark caverns Ominum.

planar Several guilds were established in the caves of this world, they also engage in limited trade with Ominiens, unreceptive to the presence of foreigners within their territory but operate freely several galleries away from cities aside from their neighbors. These guilds are using many planar portals to repatriate resources Ominum to the Cities Portals of Outland. Gnarl Oelvenson [Tiefling ♂ / Dealer Plans 8 / Marked / CN] controls the largest planar based guild on the planet, he has command over a hundred mercenaries supervising three to four hundred slaves. He must regularly routed Thoracic and Pestilence carts Gizi lizards, whose organs have mystical properties particularly popular with hags and other followers of dark magic.

Cultures: From their distant past, Ominiens have no memory. Their story begins with the act of creation Omina, goddess of fertility and mother of the Seven Founders, the patron gods of ominiens. Many legends surround the existence of Omina, myths and the oldest show cave all forgotten, in which be held in the Gate of Creation, a passage through which planar Omina have guided his people in order to avoid a terrible scourge. Again according to legend, the goddess expect his family in a distant dimension, Silver Mountain, where only the most valiant and pure of ominiens would be give an existence of eternal bliss.

stories about the Seven Founders were much more numerous, they tell the mortal existence of each and their divine ascension divergent paths, embodying the values of ominiens. Originally, the people were apparently divided into seven tribes nomads wandering in the upper galleries of the world beneath the ice of Ominum. Each guide seemed to be an elected Omina, invested him with supernatural gifts to ensure his survival. This period of ancient history ominienne lasted for a millennium, during which the tribes met and clashed. Finally, the discovery of baatezu minions among the tribes provoked a movement for unification among the seven guides who decided to put aside their differences to build a powerful nation, able to withstand a terrible threat. Thus was born Ominum, who gave his name to the world.

A millennium during the seven guides had studied the dictates of their goddess, developing prodigious faculties them closer to the Ascension. They trained generations of priests dedicated to Omina, but once the nation Ominum founded seven guides decided to leave, their evolution requires many quests Planar to acquire wisdom and power. Each chosen one among his people elected, which became the liturgical sacred, and who saw a fragment invested the spiritual power of his guide. Thus protected, the young nation from its founders live in the depths of the world toward the fabled Gate of Creation and Silver Mountain.

A generation after the departure of the guides, had resumed their bickering ominiens ancestral dividing into new tribes, but preserving traditions settled in the heart of new port cities. Liturgists were sacred then head strong congregations, and were diverted to Omina, to promote the cult of the Seven Founders, most popular among the tribes. Two large cities existed then; Song and Choral-of-souls. Rival crucibles of all divisions, each housed congregations dedicated to the Seven Founders and as representatives from seven tribes. It took little time before the war broke out, first on the waves of the sea Aoskar, then in the very streets of cities binoculars. It was the intervention of Aoskar, member of the Founders, which ended the conflict. The God of Gates was then a young immortal, a Quasi-Power in the Making, moving between the exterior shots in search of mystical knowledge. He received the call from his sacred liturgist and returned hastily Ominum to discover the disaster. Unable to allay any bitterness, then he sacrificed a fragment of its essence to open a multitude of passages which poured planar hordes of bloody monsters. Faced with such a divine punishment, the ominiens were forced to unite in order to avoid total extinction. Aoskar then resumed fitness and decreed that the liturgists should now come together in a sanctuary away from cities, they should devote their time to protect ominiens and that they should prepare for a war against a terrible enemy powerful. For punishment, Aoskar took the first girl from each tribal chief, and locked them in a maze planar, announcing that the heirs of the blood ominien be returned to their dark times when people threaten the world.

Somehow, the ominiens be bent to the floor of Aoskar, they continued to grow around the underground sea, some daring explorers ventured into the bowels the world to discover new caves, new seas, and the mantle rock their world, to nearly one hundred kilometers below the surface. The ominiens exploited metals and founded major cities in the rock material for their wonderful culture based on the ice. Liturgists sacred continued their work in isolated temples, and three centuries after the return of Aoskar, the faithful and Avanal Uakari, two of the seven founders, discovered that their prayers were heard, that their gods answered by miracles and visions. In the century that followed, all the faithful of the Seven Founders saw themselves granted divine spells. A new era could well begin.
liturgists sacred remained confined to their great temple of Falaise, but several priests of the Seven Founders, invested prodigious powers, joined their brothers and sisters ominiens to participate more actively in the evolution a prosperous, booming. Temples appeared in most major cities, and miracles became commonplace in the streets. The lords of these cities, descendants of tribal leaders, saw a dim view of the growing influence of priests. Once again, deep divisions would break the glorious destiny of the people of Ominum but apocalyptic visions manifested themselves among the dreams of younger priests, the word spread quickly, announcing the imminent arrival of the demons who would destroy Ominum. The terrors of the oldest awoke, and again, the people ominien was facing a unified supernatural enemy.

The baatezu had discovered the frozen world several centuries ago, but the conditions were unsuitable little magic to these infernal creatures who decided to maintain a single stronghold in the heart of a massive mountainous north pole. The emergence of an advanced culture in the icy depths stoked the curiosity of a lord of the nine hells that launched a first wave of lesser demons in order to test the power ominienne. The conflict that ensued profoundly affected the world of mortals, who died in large numbers, but managed to repel the invaders through their planar priests and a magic drawing many unique energies, related to the strange purple sun of this sphere. For a time, kept him baatezu forces in rock masses of the North.

ominienne The company was finally converted after five years of war against planar unnamed horrors. Three of the seven sacred liturgists were murdered, most warlords were dead or seriously maimed. It was then that Supreme Liturgy was appointed to guide the people helpless. Song became the spiritual heart of the nation Ominum, where a new generation of priests was formed, and where war veterans founded a sacred order of fighters, the Paragons of Ominum. The main targets were baatezu cities carved into the planetary mantle rocks below, these cities were abandoned, and large population migrations brought the ominiens settle in territories formerly hostile, even within the cliffs open to the surface their world. Thanks to the magic and resources of lower levels of their territory, ominiens managed to adapt easily to their new environment, some even Paragons explored the surface, melting a few outposts for their order. Became decades of centuries, a long line of Supreme Liturgies brought an era of prosperity and strengthened the cult of the Seven Founders, enabling the people to contribute for many ceremonies in huge cathedrals of ice. New cities grew, fortresses were built to seal all the galleries of Ominum border. Finally, the threat baatezu became a myth of yesteryear.

He then came a time during which the prayers of the faithful were no longer heard. The miracles of everyday life could still happen, but the most powerful rituals were without effect. The priests were the first to Aoskar receive fatal visions Their god was dying out, overwhelmed by forces so prodigious that no one on Ominum not managed to apprehend them in visions. The Seven Founders were disappearing, turning off to switch to the Astral. The course baatezu advantage of this misfortune to strike again. This time, more infernal legions seized without difficulty for much of the territories lower third of the population ominienne was thus enslaved and taken to the nine hells. Paragons of Ominum were the unique and fragile bulwark against incursions following their ranks were decimated, but their faith in the Seven Founders allowed them to tap into the magical forces that tilted the scales in their favor. Once again, the tide ebbed demonic.

The Supreme Liturgy of the time realized that his nation would collapse without the support of his gods, he turned to other Powers, through portals Planar emissaries and without fear. The argument of ominiens touched many Archons of Celestia, who had personally known the Seven Founders. Desiring to perpetuate the teachings of these wise old mortals, the Archons agreed to merge with their essence remains the protectors of the people of Ominum. The priests received the Seven Founders of new visions, but saw their powers greatly reduced. Somehow, the company grew ominienne again, this time under the vigilant protection of Ominum Paragons, who became lords of cities fortified. The entrails of the world were neglected, and only ominiens accused of serious crimes were sent into the mine to extract the valuable mineral resources necessary for people. The shores of four seas, radiating from a huge mass of ice were the only ones to be preserved through new citadels, all other passages were convicted. The company evolved again, is shaping around its two sacred caste, invigorating against demonic attacks to come. The Ominiens, under the rule of the Seven Founders transfigured, crossed by many portals of their planar world, left wage war against other hordes of hell, against the servants of Chaos and Entropy. The Ominiens discovered the Exterior shots, and beliefs that were not reinforced. Unions occurred, prophecies involving the native peoples of stretched planar Ominum in a few generations, aasimar born in large numbers in the frozen metropolis. Regarded as so many blessings from their spiritual guides, the children were raised to heaven to become priests or paragons, they became the most charismatic speakers, the bravest warriors, lords of Ominum.

A millennium passed on the planet bathed in the sun's energy planar mauve Ås-Kar. The former strain ominienne completely disappeared, to be supplanted by families who do aasimar their ancient traditions. Many wars took place in the caves of Ominum, and baatezu have learned caution, limiting their incursions in border areas of the powerful kingdom. A Liturgy Supreme Mylo Aerknel [aasimar ♂ / Priest planar [Liturgy] 21 / LB], always presides over the destiny of his family, he is advised by four priests and two paragons, which represent the six major groundwater provinces where a large population develops a sense of security. The Superior Province, also known celestial province, brings together eight major cities carved into the cliffs leading to the surface and plunging further into the mantle of glacial Ominum. Paragons field, it is defended by large fortresses connected to other bastions of about warrior lying in the exterior shots. Each fortress was built around a planar portal giving strength to several networks of glyphs inscribed in the walls of ice. The Paragon Iansth Najja [aasimar ♂ / Paragon of Ominum 17 / LN] controls military forces in that province, he willingly delegated current affairs to its officers and looks forward to the next war. The Province of Sea Omina includes hundreds of fishing villages around the capital, Choral-of-souls, which is the provincial center of the faith of the Seven Founders. Liturgy lit Maïla justal [aasimar ♀ / Priestess planar [Liturgy] 16 / LB] ensures to the souls of his congregation important and requires its priests an important conservation work of ancient texts. The archives of the city with extensive collection of writings from all outside shots. Province Salanque was the last territory resumed to baatezu after eight years of war especially difficult. Formerly a sea flora varied Salanque took his name after being transformed by planar negative energy, which made waves toxic fish a source from which emerge numerous monsters. The Sacred Liturgy Gnost Aebnall [aasimar ♂ / Priest planar [Liturgy] 19 / LN] maintain order and discipline among his followers fear. The province is considered a weakness in the defense of Ominum, and significant resources are allocated to the Liturgy in a chance to even the most subtle evil creatures, able to take a benign form strike at the heart of the city. The Province of the Heavenly Host Sea is among the most prosperous and is home to several major maritime cities in which many ominiens come to relax, enjoying the many thermal baths and the waves subsided from the warm sea. The Sacred Liturgy ENILIA Aerknell [aasimar ♀ / Priestess planar [Liturgy] 15 / LB], younger sister of the Liturgy of the supreme and great healer Ominum, is often regarded as a reincarnation of Omina itself, as its powers of healing reveal prodigious. The province is well defended and serves as a haven for the wounded in wartime. Many hospices and Lazarus are scattered along the coast of ice. The Province of Sea Aoskar gathers a dozen small towns around the ruins of Song, the former capital of Ominum, which was devastated by baatezu repeatedly during the last millennium. Ancient temples are maintained, but residential areas are deserted, leaving only handles events and intrepid traders stay in this place cursed. The province as the sea are named after the god of doors, the region has always been occupied by many passages planar and seabed is linked to plans by elementary vortex opens sporadically. The area is frequently crossed by strange entities, rarely hostile and often curious that people have learned to tolerate. Paragons of the Liturgy and Ominum serving Sacred Liturgy Zeloni Naerknall [aasimar ♂ / Priest planar [Liturgy] 18 / LB] are among the most tolerant of their respective orders, but this does not imply a relaxation of vigilance. The citadels of the maritime province are ready to repel any invasion, and alliances with surveyors planar transition have so far been beneficial to ominiens, mainly thanks to the enlightened spirit of the sacred liturgy.

Ominum The last province is also the darkest, most hidden in the bowels of the world. Province Punishment gathers within its huge cities in ruins, abandoned for centuries and still populated by monsters without names. Difficult to access, it is home to the mines supplying the mineral resources needed to arms and armor, security depends on Paragons most violent, in charge of an army of prisoners serving sentences for crimes involving moral turpitude. The Paragon Unarth Baelnarll [aasimar ♂ / Paragon of Ominum 20 / SM] is the undisputed master of his order, he reigns with an iron grip on the province and organizes its own attacks against strongholds baatezu. His army included many prisoners who have performed acts of contrition, but could not reach the level of Paragon. Province Punishment is a place of desolation that ominiens prefer to avoid at all costs.

Specific sites : Although far from Ås-Kar, the world for millennia Ominum undergoes the influence of energy-related planar sun this amethyst crystal sphere . The ice surface and windswept remains deadly for anyone who entered the space, but the bowels of the planet have many magical treasures, often unsuspected.
The Uakari River is a river underground difficult to access for ominiens, he is a legend for many, although some browsers may assert its reality. The river was named after the God of Ice because it was from his blood would have been formed. The waves continually spoof of ice and its temperature is extremely low, which may even affect the baatezu. The other feature River Uakari is her journey through several portals planar. Its course appears and disappears on several levels Ominum glacial strata, it even happens in the bowels of the moon rock Sanctorum, then continues its path in the exterior shots. Its source is in the tomb which was sealed Fallen Uakari.
The Pillars Saenkar bear the name of the God of the Rock because it was there, far below the surface of Ominum on the edge of an ocean of magma and crystallized energy planar that the first divine act of Saenkar was accomplished. Paragons discovered Recently this place, and they understood that the founder had left behind a fragment of his power who would be able to follow his footsteps in the divine ascension. The Pillars of Saenkar are seven columns of crystalline magma welling to amount to several hundreds of meters along the rocky surface of the mantle Ominum. Each column holding open a portal to a plane within which tests should be performed, knowledge assimilated. Some surveyors use planar stable unfortunately these passages for their own affairs and have placed many watchers to repel anyone who ventures to the pillars. Unarth Baelnarll, Master of the Province Punishment of, attempts to control these sacred passages, but the lack of guards is felt, and the Paragons of Ominum can not stop the caravans passing through the Pillars planar.
The Denochlanon Reigar is a legacy of a giant ship and organic Aesthetique ancestor, who crashed in the mountains where the cold polar correct in its outer shell. During an incursion into the territories baatezu, a group of adventurers ominiens discovered the existence of conscious craft, and although no one proved able to understand its operation, a young Liturgy named Aevial Blaenell [aasimar ♀ / Priestess planar [Liturgy] 6 / NB] discovered Reigar tablets containing many unknown mystical knowledge. Few adventurers returned from this trip, but later turned Aevial to the study of ancient cultures, drawing from the archives of the largest libraries of Externally, supplementing its many shortcomings, to finally understand clearly the Primary Plan, Crystal Spheres and Phlogiston. The young woman now wants to return to the heart of Denochlanon to awaken him and guide his people to the stars. Unfortunately, baatezu have also realized the presence ship's organic and seeking a way to enslave in order to make it a formidable weapon.

The only moon is a dead star Ominum Sanctorum appointed by its people, descendants of many planar surveyors who found themselves isolated in the vast caverns featuring a atmosphere maintained through the wonders of the forgotten Nåriåc there who tried to bring life in an environment that was dépourvut. Flora remains fragile in caves, and the influence of many portals planar results in frequent mutations, leading to addition of new plants that always find a ground where subsist. Over the centuries, ominiens have transited to the mineral galleries of moon, often by accident, they are the ones who were able to impose their faith and culture in communities scattered Sanctorum. The Nåriåc have also left behind fragments of knowledge of the sages were able to translate the related knowledge items and the forces governing the Sphere of Kar-Ås. Five centuries ago, a delegation of ominiens Santorum was sent to the Supreme Liturgy, to enter into a spiritual covenant. Aware of the presence of this unique community, the Liturgy of the time refused to take them under his rule a nation unable to control, and includes among its many non-ominiens, however, he appointed a holy liturgy in charge Sanctorum, and gave him a guard of Paragons.

lunar communities remained so related to the destiny of Ominum while pursuing their own path in the multiverse. The Geode of Aoskar is the capital of this particular province, a vast open city, erected in the Sanctorum of black rock at the bottom of a crater, and branching into the walls of a large well dip into the caves inhabited by ominiens. The Geode is so named because it was the last priests of God sigiliens Gates who came to announce the sad news and decided to settle in this place before desert. Drawing on fragments of knowledge at their disposal, they forged the Geode crystallizing energy planar own this Sphere, home to the homeworld of their power. And where faith rigid Ominum had seduced the surveyors who chose planar Sanctorum as the world of adoption, the fame of the cult of sigilien Aoskar drained a large population, who founded a city dedicated to this single god. The Geode, as a temple, and the gathering place of a powerful army holy patiently preparing his revenge on the Lady of Sorrows and his henchmen. The Sacred Liturgy Onansth Vaernen [aasimar ♂ / Priest planar [Liturgy] 16 / LB] recently discovered the importance of worship Aoskar the heart of his province moon and saw his authority challenged by Senia Haerkem [Tiefling ♀ / Priestess planar [Aoskar] 10 / CN], last descendant of a long line of faithful Planar Aoskar, fueled in hate people who rejected his power, and particularly the people of Sigil, she became acquainted during his childhood, dedicated to espionage from its enemies. The Geode gives Aoskar faithful, and to a lesser extent, those of the Seven Founders, control over many portals raised thanks to the energies surrounding planar. A new company is being born in this city a few years become a cross-channel planar for all the discontented and envious of the role of Sigil in the heart of the Multiverse.

For a good part however, people follow the precepts Sanctorum Seven Founders and worry that rise to a predominance of the cult of warlike Aoskar, a power traditionally has favored peaceful dialogue many times in history ominienne. The close relations with the world are rare, despite some existing portals, and ominien of Sanctorum rather tend to cluster around their old customs, isolation from the rest of the multiverse to strengthen their deities with prayers.


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