first define the terms of this title. The World refers here to ... in short you know. Is verb to be in the third person singular. A ... nan but now it's ridiculous ... EOH . That's an interesting term. What does this acronym you ask me. Patience band eager you then I reply. E nvironment O lfactif H ostile.
Now that you know what it is, I can move my explanation. Nimporte what being (human or animal) has made good smell (what amazing info ... - '). And many of us suffer daily number of attacks against this precious sense.
small personal example: Every day I'm back in high school (sniff) this implies having to pass through a crowd of smokers (and not invertebrates ... I make this clarification because I have already reversed the two words ... ) and therefore forced to be overwhelmed by the smell of a pestilence which answers to the name of Tobacco.
If smokers never read me, do not take it wrong, I'm just stating a truth that must be considered. But despite this, despite the fact that these pre-adult smoking as firefighters already cluttering the sole entrance to the school, which makes me very sorry to see is that most of them have already released their packages of smokes and fire before even leaving the classroom ... > _ <
But of course, smoking is not the only enemy of smell. You can find - especially in town, you will agree - the infamous smell of exhaust or the tasty ( at this level, it is more than irony is ... .. . much worse ^ ^) small dog droppings that the dog's owner did not dare pick it up as his nose was assaulted ( But how living being can reject something with a smell so bad? lol).
But it can also be noted ( in smaller cities course), it is people that make the fire in their garden (surely order to remove evidence of a crime committed in the morning or the day before ... hehe) . They recognize there a real thought for their neighbors who are forced to close their windows to not be suffocated ( this word may sound excessive, but sometimes that is the case ) by smoke smelly.
Well, of course, one could also mention the irritation that we owe to these noisy little creatures that are commonly called "baby " that generate a smell as horrible as their cries (it says it all ... ). LOL
I know very well what you think about me by reading these lines. It is never glad this kid! Always complaining! Think ... At least I proved that fact that I'm actually French =) No seriously, I only state the truths really true. But I promise it's the last article I write on this blog ... where I would push a pequeñita gueulante ^ ^
ciao A Goodnight!

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