Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Cubefield The 4 Levels
The Senate
I work near the Senate and I do not walk as often as I should.
The garden is huge and pleasant. There is even the Statue of Liberty (2.50 m high genus) Bartholdi who was the model for that of New York. They had to be put next to a plaque of friendship for September 11! Now all
paradise has its little turn and rectifier wrong I'm not fail to note that public toilets are 20 or 40 cts. when the Paris public toilets have become free. Now the garden is as big as I said and Decaux toilet necessarily far. It's not expensive and you say a police officer told me that this tiny coin was used to pay staff. However, he must know, the Senate is sitting on a treasure. Like the National Assembly, he may ask the Treasury the amount it considers necessary for its operation without the latter can not say anything. So, you know the humanity ... "Always." If the National Assembly decided one day to go to half of the nation's war chest, the Senate refused. The generosity of the Senate goes into the salaries of its employees since I've been told that any gardener began at 3000 euros. Perhaps for Mr. pee, if that does not touch these coins. The Senate is not expected to be at the forefront of modernity, but offer this gentleman a decent wage and free toilets would be a gesture appreciated. Senate Grow yourself a little!

I work near the Senate and I do not walk as often as I should.
The garden is huge and pleasant. There is even the Statue of Liberty (2.50 m high genus) Bartholdi who was the model for that of New York. They had to be put next to a plaque of friendship for September 11! Now all
paradise has its little turn and rectifier wrong I'm not fail to note that public toilets are 20 or 40 cts. when the Paris public toilets have become free. Now the garden is as big as I said and Decaux toilet necessarily far. It's not expensive and you say a police officer told me that this tiny coin was used to pay staff. However, he must know, the Senate is sitting on a treasure. Like the National Assembly, he may ask the Treasury the amount it considers necessary for its operation without the latter can not say anything. So, you know the humanity ... "Always." If the National Assembly decided one day to go to half of the nation's war chest, the Senate refused. The generosity of the Senate goes into the salaries of its employees since I've been told that any gardener began at 3000 euros. Perhaps for Mr. pee, if that does not touch these coins. The Senate is not expected to be at the forefront of modernity, but offer this gentleman a decent wage and free toilets would be a gesture appreciated. Senate Grow yourself a little!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sidney Crosby Birthday Invitations
The World is a \u0026lt;\u0026lt;EOH>> From
first define the terms of this title. The World refers here to ... in short you know. Is verb to be in the third person singular. A ... nan but now it's ridiculous ... EOH . That's an interesting term. What does this acronym you ask me. Patience band eager you then I reply. E nvironment O lfactif H ostile.
Now that you know what it is, I can move my explanation. Nimporte what being (human or animal) has made good smell (what amazing info ... - '). And many of us suffer daily number of attacks against this precious sense.
small personal example: Every day I'm back in high school (sniff) this implies having to pass through a crowd of smokers (and not invertebrates ... I make this clarification because I have already reversed the two words ... ) and therefore forced to be overwhelmed by the smell of a pestilence which answers to the name of Tobacco.
If smokers never read me, do not take it wrong, I'm just stating a truth that must be considered. But despite this, despite the fact that these pre-adult smoking as firefighters already cluttering the sole entrance to the school, which makes me very sorry to see is that most of them have already released their packages of smokes and fire before even leaving the classroom ... > _ <
But of course, smoking is not the only enemy of smell. You can find - especially in town, you will agree - the infamous smell of exhaust or the tasty ( at this level, it is more than irony is ... .. . much worse ^ ^) small dog droppings that the dog's owner did not dare pick it up as his nose was assaulted ( But how living being can reject something with a smell so bad? lol).
But it can also be noted ( in smaller cities course), it is people that make the fire in their garden (surely order to remove evidence of a crime committed in the morning or the day before ... hehe) . They recognize there a real thought for their neighbors who are forced to close their windows to not be suffocated ( this word may sound excessive, but sometimes that is the case ) by smoke smelly.
Well, of course, one could also mention the irritation that we owe to these noisy little creatures that are commonly called "baby " that generate a smell as horrible as their cries (it says it all ... ). LOL
I know very well what you think about me by reading these lines. It is never glad this kid! Always complaining! Think ... At least I proved that fact that I'm actually French =) No seriously, I only state the truths really true. But I promise it's the last article I write on this blog ... where I would push a pequeñita gueulante ^ ^
ciao A Goodnight!

Monday, October 8, 2007
Indiasatlite Channel Frequencies
It Stubborn me that can not speak for Publishing Texts Gays because it is a luxury that newspaper can only interested in the books of major publishers. Either! Critics
gays is like the gay world and more generally of French society. It is fashionable to slap on the face. Texts Gays no exception to the rule, to the point where I wonder if it is appropriate to send press service (works) to criticism.
I willingly accept criticism and are sometimes justified. When the book is read carefully and dissected in a professional, I do not judge the work of a critic, but in exchange, they should awareness of the fragility of the gay issue. Each year there is a decrease in the number of readers and a book sold 500 copies. now becomes a success. Or print 500 or 1000 or 2000 copies, price is not very different (that's about the price of paper and shaping), also a book sold 2000 copies. reported more than 4 500 copies sold.
The break (when you start to earn money) to 500. is of 350-380 ex. and 2000 ex. it must be about 600 ex.
It's a given that a critic must have in mind. If a book does not please him, as he did not speak.
Returning to the criticism, I want to give the example of a project dear to my heart for personal reasons: I have two dads who love Hatier Publishing.
Excerpts a review of this work by Lionel Labosse (also popular for creating the Isidor) :
1) "An album of control rather quickly" (in truth the author is gay and very difficult to convince Hatier to publish this title).
2) "Misconceptions caricatures, strokes in the direction of the hair of a fashionable theme" (the goal of this work is to accept differences to a wide audience).
3) "It is obvious that only the family" heterosexual "knows disputes and changes in the index in love" (it's a small album to 6 € trying to be positive image of gay couples enough ostracize)
4) "short, a photograph album that does nothing" (nothing to whom? In microcosm? Without doubt, but can we say that this book is cliche to the general public?)
5) "A paragraph pompously preface called "
6)" is meant the value given to this album tasteless "
7)" it is useless to seek in these pages winded colored Some sobering thoughts "
8)" Even the double page that mentions the "strange families, all different," forget the most thoroughly different from all that is really spot among the caviar left: the polygamous family. "(Heu! What is the subject of the book already? This book is not designed to provide in the completeness of the politically correct, but to convince Mr Everyone having two dads is not monstrous.)
9) "The only thing to save in this album I think the double page of snakes and ladders game of the season" (I put it to a hair positiver criticism :-)
9) "This album would be out there Manichean Ten years ago, we would have shouted bravo "(Hey no, the image of gays has not evolved so much that in 10 years that this book does not work useful in libraries).
All this hurts!
It Stubborn me that can not speak for Publishing Texts Gays because it is a luxury that newspaper can only interested in the books of major publishers. Either! Critics
gays is like the gay world and more generally of French society. It is fashionable to slap on the face. Texts Gays no exception to the rule, to the point where I wonder if it is appropriate to send press service (works) to criticism.
I willingly accept criticism and are sometimes justified. When the book is read carefully and dissected in a professional, I do not judge the work of a critic, but in exchange, they should awareness of the fragility of the gay issue. Each year there is a decrease in the number of readers and a book sold 500 copies. now becomes a success. Or print 500 or 1000 or 2000 copies, price is not very different (that's about the price of paper and shaping), also a book sold 2000 copies. reported more than 4 500 copies sold.
The break (when you start to earn money) to 500. is of 350-380 ex. and 2000 ex. it must be about 600 ex.
It's a given that a critic must have in mind. If a book does not please him, as he did not speak.

Returning to the criticism, I want to give the example of a project dear to my heart for personal reasons: I have two dads who love Hatier Publishing.
Excerpts a review of this work by Lionel Labosse (also popular for creating the Isidor) :
1) "An album of control rather quickly" (in truth the author is gay and very difficult to convince Hatier to publish this title).
2) "Misconceptions caricatures, strokes in the direction of the hair of a fashionable theme" (the goal of this work is to accept differences to a wide audience).
3) "It is obvious that only the family" heterosexual "knows disputes and changes in the index in love" (it's a small album to 6 € trying to be positive image of gay couples enough ostracize)
4) "short, a photograph album that does nothing" (nothing to whom? In microcosm? Without doubt, but can we say that this book is cliche to the general public?)
5) "A paragraph pompously preface called "
6)" is meant the value given to this album tasteless "
7)" it is useless to seek in these pages winded colored Some sobering thoughts "
8)" Even the double page that mentions the "strange families, all different," forget the most thoroughly different from all that is really spot among the caviar left: the polygamous family. "(Heu! What is the subject of the book already? This book is not designed to provide in the completeness of the politically correct, but to convince Mr Everyone having two dads is not monstrous.)
9) "The only thing to save in this album I think the double page of snakes and ladders game of the season" (I put it to a hair positiver criticism :-)
9) "This album would be out there Manichean Ten years ago, we would have shouted bravo "(Hey no, the image of gays has not evolved so much that in 10 years that this book does not work useful in libraries).
All this hurts!
How Many Inches Does It Take To Break A Hymen
The importance of coverage
Gallimard course can afford to publish books which only include the title of a novel and the names of the author and publisher.
Texts For Gays, you must catch the eye with a high coverage. I have too often purchased paperbacks on their good coverage for not knowing the consequences.
Also it is a work of importance. Buy a photo agency is easier, we know of advance the result we get. More delicate is the command of a cover artist. I have done much work Sven de Rennes with which my excellent agreement allowed me to work until I get the desired result. For
Louis de Bourbon, here's what I said Mehdi Blue Book Paris:
" We will be delighted to receive Claude Puzin (Pedro note: the author Louis de Bourbon for the Salon ACRONYM, Paris, 2 November 4) I will hasten to read since the echoes of my readers are excellent (all regret that this coverage is one hundred thousand places the quality of the book (I'm repeats!)) You know it No. 3 in sales in BBP. "
For this cover, I needed a work order because I wanted to show both the historical side of the structure but also its erotic aspect so that the housewife of Neuilly love of historical works do astray.
I asked Maurice Heerdink , Dutch painter and expert on historic paint to make this cover both aspects. It was difficult for me to ask Mr. Heerdink to change his job because of the costs of its work. He nevertheless significantly reduced the hair of the young Louis.
Is it successful, is it missed? For you to say. Now, only the word of mouth about the quality of this work will allow it to sell.

Gallimard course can afford to publish books which only include the title of a novel and the names of the author and publisher.
Texts For Gays, you must catch the eye with a high coverage. I have too often purchased paperbacks on their good coverage for not knowing the consequences.
Also it is a work of importance. Buy a photo agency is easier, we know of advance the result we get. More delicate is the command of a cover artist. I have done much work Sven de Rennes with which my excellent agreement allowed me to work until I get the desired result. For
Louis de Bourbon, here's what I said Mehdi Blue Book Paris:
" We will be delighted to receive Claude Puzin (Pedro note: the author Louis de Bourbon for the Salon ACRONYM, Paris, 2 November 4) I will hasten to read since the echoes of my readers are excellent (all regret that this coverage is one hundred thousand places the quality of the book (I'm repeats!)) You know it No. 3 in sales in BBP. "
For this cover, I needed a work order because I wanted to show both the historical side of the structure but also its erotic aspect so that the housewife of Neuilly love of historical works do astray.
I asked Maurice Heerdink , Dutch painter and expert on historic paint to make this cover both aspects. It was difficult for me to ask Mr. Heerdink to change his job because of the costs of its work. He nevertheless significantly reduced the hair of the young Louis.
Is it successful, is it missed? For you to say. Now, only the word of mouth about the quality of this work will allow it to sell.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Howard Tv Full Episodes Free
America invades Texts
I do not hide it, is my homepage. I love watching the top left what happens (the rest is boring, it does not move). Well surprise, America beat France at 11:40 on Saturday morning. 11:40, what makes us New York and 5:45 am to 2:45 in San Francisco. Hey bé Atlantic that in addition we spend our night reading, it moves me me! Note the
18.42 / 20 out of 116 voters, I do not know who they are, I 've put a 20 story once, but hey! So thank you to users who love me. It moves me too :-)

I do not hide it, is my homepage. I love watching the top left what happens (the rest is boring, it does not move). Well surprise, America beat France at 11:40 on Saturday morning. 11:40, what makes us New York and 5:45 am to 2:45 in San Francisco. Hey bé Atlantic that in addition we spend our night reading, it moves me me! Note the
18.42 / 20 out of 116 voters, I do not know who they are, I 've put a 20 story once, but hey! So thank you to users who love me. It moves me too :-)
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