Monday, January 24, 2011

Rn56323 Ca05553 Black Jacket

Sermon Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 3rd Sunday after

3 rd Sunday after Epiphany

Text: Jn 4.46 -54

songs available:

You who has all things LIS 17: 1-3

My God, lend me your ear, LIS 292: 1-4

The cross that God gives me LIS 289: 1-4

Glory and praise to God helping LIS 161: 1-3

46 "Jesus returned at Cana in Galilee, where he changed water into wine. There was at Capernaum a nobleman whose son was sick.

47 When he heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, as he was about to die.

48 Jesus said "If you do not see signs and wonders, you do not believe?"

49 The nobleman said to him: "Sir, come down before my child dies!"

50 "Go ahead," said Jesus, "your son lives." The man believed what Jesus said to him, and it went.

51 He was already down when his servants met him and told him: "Your child lives."

52 He asked what time he had gone better, and they said: "Yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon, the fever of left. "

53 The father knew that it was that hour Jesus said to him: "Your son lives." Then he thought he and his family.

54 Jesus was the second miraculous sign after returning from Judea to Galilee.

Dear relatives of Christ takes care of you!

"Takes Does he really care for us? "We ask ourselves sometimes. "Is he cares much about what happens to us? "This is not now that these questions sometimes creeps into their minds.

We sometimes think: "Ah! Only if Jesus was walking today in the streets of our city, instead of having it there two thousand years to Cana, Capernaum and elsewhere in Palestine! We would go to him, like Mary at the wedding at Cana, as the royal official at Capernaum came to meet, also at Cana! "

But, then, forgetting several things.

Jesus' mission was not to cure all patients: most have not been cured and, indeed, even those he has healed are fallen sick and died one day, as will one day also our case, after experiencing one or more healing in the life .

When Jesus worked miracles by taking action to solve a problem, it was always to support his preaching, not for the miracle in itself. Moreover, the Bible calls his miracles "signs" (v. 54), events that carry a message: that the Almighty Lord Jesus.

That said, it's not because we can no longer meet at the corner of our street that is disconnected from our lives. There is very intimately involved.

First because he redeemed us dearly so that we can be safe with him.

Then because that "it has the power to submit everything to his authority" (Phil 3.21) and "his dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not cease" (Dn 7.14)

event related in our text - the healing of the son of a "nobleman" Herod Antipas (v. 46) - "second miraculous sign " wrought by Jesus at Cana (c. 54), did something to teach us? We respect he?

course! He shows us how



1. who have faith in him,

2. growing faith in the touch of His Word,

3. who attribute the benefits.

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Lord Jesus intervenes

for our good who have faith in him

The first thing that strikes me reading this, c is that Jesus has no bias against any class or politics whatsoever. "An officer of the king" Herod Antipas among believers! For a scoop, it is!

Note the differences with the other story, heard in the liturgical readings of the day (Mt 8.5-13): If they both lived in Capernaum, for "the king's officer" is a son who is ill, for "the Roman officer" is a servant "the king's officer" asks Jesus "down" of Cana to Capernaum and heal his servant, "the Roman officer" did ask so much: "Just say a word and my servant will be healed! " (Mt 8.8)

Fortunately that Jesus does not expect us " so great faith, " (Mt 8.10) than that given in example, 's Officer Roman " ! Fortunately it does not turn away from those who have faith in "the king's officer" , or that, this vacillating father exclaimed "I believe, help thou my unbelief! " (Mk 9.24).

yet Jesus had a low opinion of Herod Antipas and his clique. Had he not put his followers in custody: "Beware of the leaven of Herod! " ? (Mk 8.15)

But our Lord does not mix, he knows how to separate things. Even in the midst of a group of depraved morality may still be of good repute. Remember "Obadiah, the head of the palace" of the immoral King Ahab! Not only was he remained a believer, but it also hid and fed a hundred prophets. (1 Kgs 18.2-16)

It reminds me of my friend, Viola Fronkova, Bratislava in Slovakia, which, under the communist regime aggressively atheist, worked in a department by day and night, animated biblical circles underground.

No, Jesus comes "for the good of all who love him" (Rom 8.28), whether Jewish or French or Slovak, regardless of the regime under which they live and whatever occupation, provided that they lead a life of repentance and faith in him.

So he received in the inner circle of the apostles a "Matthew" , former collector of Roman category of people who were known to be collaborators and thieves, but also a former terrorist, "Simon the Zealot" .

And in our text, it does not turn away from the officer of a king decried as immoral manners. Whether we be a lesson: Jesus cares for all humans: we also do not discrimination or segregation between people.

But Jesus cares about everyone, it's also a huge comfort to ourselves: therefore, we too are not excluded from his interest, his caring, concern, whatever we have done, whatever may be our opposite impression.

"The son of the nobleman was ill" (v. 46). Jesus did not turn away from this man. He does not refuse to help him. Oh! he came to refuse to perform miracles, "Because of their unbelief" , as at Nazareth. (Mt 13.58)

And before you take action, he said to the officer, but his words are aimed in fact to the crowd as he speaks in the plural: "If you do not see not signs and wonders, you do not believe? " (v. 48)

" The nobleman " shows that if. Him, he believes without seeing. When Jesus said "" Go, your son lives! ", The man believed the word Jesus said to him and went away. " (v. 50)

Although it took to believe the word of Christ! "At a time when Jesus told him:" Your son lives. " " (v. 53), his son had recovered to about thirty miles away!

Do not think it was easy for this man to believe what Jesus said to him. He expected something else. He wanted Jesus to come and see first hand and act accordingly.

Sometimes we also expect something else. Here, when Paul insisted for God to deliver a serious problem, God replied: "My grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9) He really had to trust Jesus believed that God would act powerfully in leaving him in his ordeal.

Let us trust in Jesus who went to the wrath of God and the sufferings of hell in our place for us to avoid them! Let us trust in him, even if his behavior does not match what we thought, or when his response is different. "All authority he was given " (Mt 28:18) says it: he can use it for our good, and he'll use it for our good.

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Lord Jesus intervenes

for our good that strengthen our faith

in contact with His Word

It is true, as I said before, it is not simple nor easy to trust in Jesus, especially, in addition, when nothing works as expected or desired. Not only is it not simple, it is impossible without the intervention of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel.

Remember the beginning of explanation of 3 th Article of the Creed Petit Catechism " Martin Luther " I believe that I can e , by my reason and my own strength, believing in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him. " This we confess in us based on biblical words like this: " Nobody can say "Jesus is Lord!" except by the Holy Spirit. " (1 Cor 12.3)

But we also continue to confess with Luther: " [...] , but the Holy Spirit which by the gospel, called me, informed of his gifts, sanctified and kept in the true faith. "

The words that Jesus addressed to " the king's officer " have their effect, have affected this father felt. It reminds me that Jesus once said: " " The words I say to you are spirit and life "" (Jn 6.63), and through my words the Holy Spirit produces spiritual life of faith waiting to follow the life everlasting. "

Dear friends, let us never forget! There are some who say they do not need to go to worship and be saved. True, the cult is not a meritorious work, it's not there to earn salvation, we go because it's the place where God heals, heals us, comforts us and we weapon to face life, to face life and death. It "Meeting" that God does not want us "abandon" (Hey 10.25), avoiding or attended only rarely, because in doing so we prevent the Holy Spirit to make us grow in faith, even to keep us in faith through the Word and sacraments.

"The nobleman" heard the words of Jesus. This is what led him to place his faith in him. The Good News that Jesus has announced it has strengthened his faith in Jesus.

And our faith, Jesus strengthens when we just listen to worship, when we come to meet him in sacrament. It says things so strong, so comforting, so loaded with hope and encouragement that makes us grow in our faith in him.

X X X 3 X X X

Lord Jesus intervenes

for our well

who ascribe all glory

When we escape from danger when we cure a disease when we overcome an ordeal, when something we succeeded at that we ascribe to which we attribute the glory?

"The father knew that Jesus' (v. 53) was originally the healing of his son. He might be skeptical and say: "This is a fortuitous coincidence that my son was healed "at the very hour when Jesus told him:" Your son lives. " "(v. 53)

He could have said:" This is the care he was given by my wife and other caregivers who have cured my son. "No, he ascribes all glory to God.

Dear friends, these past weeks, these last months, we prayed for Andre Ménégaux as "the king's officer" had prayed for his dying son. Weeks in a coma ... That was long! What a profusion of care also ! One day I counted twenty devices and screens of all sorts connected to him.

A month ago he came out of a coma last week it was able to sit in a chair. This week his mind was clear and we were able to maintain. The next day - last Thursday - it could leave the ICU to a rehabilitation center.

On my arrival in the service, Wednesday, a nurse approached me, all radiant, "Is not that wonderful? We did it! "

not my desire I want to minimize the efforts, the amount and intensity of care provided by that service ... but when we were alone, the Lord is above all that we thanked him for answered prayers for the family, our prayers also including in our worship.

We can thank him for the coverage we have, because none of us could afford months of intensive care also.

We can thank him for giving his blessing to the care and support caregivers. We know with Jacques: "Every blessing and everything perfect gift is from above, they descend from the Father of lights " (James 1.17).

In saying this we do not want to minimize the role of policies that have put up our coverage, nor the doctors and nurses. Thank God we do not dispense to thank - and thank them with warmth and emotion - those whom God has used to do us good to get out of tight spots.

But never forget "recognize" - as "the king's officer " did - as a last resort we owe to our Lord, it's the kindness, concern and intervention of God that we must.

"What God gets all the glory due to him through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen! " (1 P 4.11)


Jean Thiébaut Haessig

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prosti Watch Online Free

Aera-Tenhi, trap demons

wasteland civilization by avaryn

world Type: spherical rock.
Size: C (equatorial diameter of 1 844km).
Echappée : 5 laps.
Rotation: 58 hours.
Revolution: 116 days.
Moons : Tenhi.
Population: 78 552 tanar'ri, 22 431 baatezu.
magic Frame: Reinforced, arcane dominant.
Pantheon : None.

aeration Tenhi is a world whose surface is a desert of rock on which plant species grow some specific shots below. The sky is streaked with lightning purple and there is no source of drinking water. Beneath the surface However, a World labyrinth was dug thousands of years ago, huge caverns are home to forest-tree vipers or sources of acid. Aera-Tenhi is a prison for demons, a trap on the scale of a world in which entities have been caught hell over the ages. Nothing seems to help them escape their confinement secular, although powerful demon lords was weaving continually escape plans.

Ports Home : Aera-Tenhi is a world hostile to spelljammers, all of its climate consisting of high winds and lightning destructive than the energies associated with its magical Frame, disrupting drawbars from the upper atmosphere. It seems that no city was ever built on the surface of this world.

Resources: The combination of core energy and infernal influences was caused by violent changes of the natural resources of aeration Tenhi, sources of potable water are scarce and the fauna was totally perverted by evil forces underworld. Several varieties of plants have proliferated and the threats more territorial demons, using lethal spore creatures for hellish Plans.

Cultures: The former elementary Zőnőkőn conjured creatures to excavate the depths of this world, they druids empowered a complex combination of energies in the planar planetary Frame and three centuries devoted to the alteration of the nucleus. The reasons that drove them to cause such alterations are unknown, but everything was done in anticipation of capturing an entity possessing divine power. A millennium after their arrival in this world, Zőnőkőn disappeared leaving only a few remnants in the form of huge monoliths of black crystal, like nails driven into the rocky crust.
Several millennia after the departure of Zőnőkőn several psijammers from entering the planetary system arise in disaster on the surface of aeration Tenhi. The Shirynn are a people reduced to a few hundred individuals, ethnic syndarheem, having escaped the destruction of their systems Planetary complete a psionic weapon Trĕĕl. Masters of many disciplines mental Shirynn know to be the way towards extinction, they still would like to leave a testimony of their existence and form a community of survivors at the surface of this hostile new world.
Thanks to their faculties, Shirynn able to prosper for several decades, the time for the more powerful among them to gather enough psionic energy to transform the global maze by Zőnőkőn dug into a deadly trap for entities Plans hell of the Wheel. During thousand years before they fled in the Phlogiston, the Shirynn were repeatedly harassed, both by baatezu by the tanar'ri. Their tribes were decimated, and the emerging civilization of which they were the architects patients was carried away by the demonic army. The end of their world by a weapon Trĕĕl occurred while they were on the decline, seeking a way to unify the last time their scattered tribes to take revenge on hellish creatures.
The peculiarities of the world Tenhi aeration allowed the wisest Shirynn develop a plan at a scale never before contemplated by their people, a terrible legacy to the people as revenge to come after them. Patiently for years, the elves modeled distance each gallery, each room of their underground world, to make a jail for their former tormentors. The planetary core, previously altered by Zőnőkőn, was transformed into a fantastic planar nexus that bound the infernal plan, a wave of energy was released during this final ritual Shirynn, which eradicated all traces of life on the surface of aeration Tenhi.

Great was the surprise of the first demons to overcome Gateway Kernel, to find himself trapped by forces impossible to constrain. Many were those who resigned themselves to wait for help, having to live forever, but after a few centuries, most patients baatezu captives also became enraged as their eternal enemies, the tanar'ri. The population grew steadily hell in the bowels of aeration Tenhi, and lords many manifested themselves, seeking to unify their to liberate themselves from the terrifying prison planet. Never any force born of hell only succeeded in breaking the energies of this world, and somehow, many communities were formed at different levels. The unity of all the infernal creatures could never exist, but some powerful demons managed to gather the faithful and sacrificing their diabolical essence, to project their consciousness beyond the physical boundaries of their prison.

Xunak-Lumnur, a dark lord tanar'ri, discovered as well as his mastery of the essence in these hellish places was a major asset. Unhesitatingly sacrificing hundreds of lower demons, he was the first to project its spiritual essence through the Void. He apprehended the desolation imposed on nearby worlds, and turned to the servants of the Shadow, only conscious creatures able to travel to the surface of aeration Tenhi order to tear the surface. It took more than a thousand years before they can communicate with Dåkåånn by giving some gifts to the most deserving evil, those who were not exterminated by the Shadow had to leave their world on wrecks spelljammers to take refuge on Tenhi. Since then, venerating Dåkåånn Xunak-Lumnur have assumed the name of Bright, and they based Xůůn now devoted to the study of all possibilities to free their dark master.
Another lord of the underworld has developed another method to communicate with the outside. Orogoz gélugon who is a long divisive on many worlds of the Primary Plan. His incarceration on aeration Tenhi led him to collaborate with former rivals, and he had to sacrifice much of his demonic essence to create an environment allowing it to perform its magic. Taking the name Ciotorex the gélugon extended his collection to the whole sphere of crystal and clashed with dead entities not operating within the ocean of blood. More monsters were impregnated by forces millennia, although their intelligence is small, Ciotorex managed to manipulate them to form a herd large enough to reach the surface of aeration Tenhi and rip it.

individuals Sites: The Zőnőkőn have reshaped the world by using a combination of elemental forces magnified by Weft warming. Aera-Tenhi is a huge prison with thousands of creatures whose hellish screams of rage are the only sounds audible to the surface. The design of a This prison has necessitated enormous powers so that no people of Known Spheres can consider replicating such an achievement. However, some travelers with a powerful and wisdom were able to grasp some aspects that were subsequently allowed to create minor releases from the jail warming.
The Trionax is a monolithic structure composed of three black crystal deep in the earth's surface about five hundred meters. Fully coated Zőnőkőn equations, the monoliths of Trionax capture solar energy to enhance the Guardian Frame magic. Some demons locked away under the surface have learned to communicate their thoughts via Trionax, their power remains limited to a few hundred meters of crystal structures and has so far affected only a few mortals without great results.

The small moon rock is called Tenhi past few centuries from the field Dåkåånn World Täërä, fanatics corrupted by the words of the demon lord Xunak-Lumnur. They built the city of Xůůn, consisting of five major temples in which the Magi Dåkåånn study all the texts enabling them to increase their knowledge. The city is home to a thousand individuals, divided between the five sanctuaries and lines forming nascent fearsome mages. The Magi are Xůnååz manipulating shadows, they are most numerous in the city and their mystical way is for two centuries the most frequently used to free-Xunak Lumnur. Xůlåån are the most challenged by their peers, they practice necromancy and rituals often imitate those of the followers of Ciotorex. Xůkåål, Xůůrůůn Xůënäz form and minor castes frequently arriving to unite their powers in fragile alliances mystics, they manipulate the Lightning, and the Divination Crystal.

The Dåkåånn Xůůn have managed to maintain a dozen small spelljammers whose origins remain a mystery for mages fanatics. These ships are old and are now used to collect plant resources on a few clusters of asteroids orbiting planet, the only source to reach Dåkåånn means.

Heather Harmon Vídeos

Sphere Sealed

Traces of a mysterious ancient people are still visible on the worlds Sealed Harbor, formerly known as Reigar of Kŭŭmăă-Thĕnĕrĕ. Contemporary heirs of the Spheres Known Races, the Zőnőkőn terraform planets seem to have this system in order to make vast prison for unknown entities. Every Sphere was influenced by the manipulations of the people, and its outer face itself must have a different hue than red bloody present. The inner face is a sinister sea of blood which emerge numerous archipelagos made gigantic carcasses of monsters. Frequently, waves of negative energy and enliven the infinite ocean animate vast hordes of undead who drift into the Void and sometimes threaten worlds jails. It is extremely difficult to open a portal in the crystalline substance of this sphere, the Zőnőkőn appear to have knowingly altered solar radiation to disrupt the structure of their crystal spheres.

astral phenomena.
Sun Harbor Sealed is a glowing orb of energy profoundly affecting the magical forces present in this space. Guardian appointed by ancient peoples of the Dungeons, the star has a radiation blocking most planar travel abilities, greatly limiting the number of outside surface of the Worlds.
Frequently, large masses of liquid come off the ocean bloody gruesome forming an arch above the Dungeons. These clusters of blood adopt the form of spherical planetoids freely drifting on currents gravitational Guardian, many forgotten legends describe them as major sources of power, which were born in the past powerful entities. It is said that these orbs bloody house the souls of ancient Zőnőkőn, Guests seeking to impose their vision once again of the Universe.

worlds jails.
Sealed Sphere has a planetary system of three ancient worlds, that have altered Zőnőkőn to create prisons for powerful and mysterious entities. Long after their era, the three planets were still employed as such by people younger. Aera-Tenhi is the world closest to the Guardian, its core is a giant gate leading to planar Plans hell, engulfed by which terrible entities. But the world is a trap for these creatures, the mantle rock is a mystical maze impassable by ordinary powers of the infernal entities. Täërä is a putrid swamp serving prison to a terrifying entity, the shadow of a forgotten god threatening Creation in its entirety. The creature has long since merged his essence with the world the holding, although the former power is linked to death and destruction it caused to life in many forms distorted, creating servants who will soon release its jail. The third world Aeton-Bran is a gas giant in which thousands of carcasses derived from dragons. A scourge of ancient times was sealed in the solid core of this world, but was inadvertently released. Nothing remains of past eras.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A 13 Year Macromastia

Sermon Epiphany Sunday, January 16, 2011-2nd Sunday after Epiphany

2 nd Sunday after Epiphany

Text: Ex 33.17b-23

songs available :

You, all peoples of the earth, AeC 66: 1-4

Turn your eyes toward the Lord AeC 153: 1-3 C

is me is me who comforts you AeC 228: 1-5

17 "The Lord said to Moses: " [...] you have found favor in my eyes and I know you by name. "

18 Moses said "Let me see your glory!"

19 The LORD replied: "I'll pass all my goodness you and I proclaim before you the name of the Lord. I am because of who I will be gracious, and I have compassion on whom I have compassion. "

20 He added: "Thou canst not see my face, for man can not see me and live."

21 The Lord said: "This is a place near me. You stand on the rock.

22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in the hollow of the rock and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.

23 When drew back my hand, you see me from behind, but my face can not be seen . ""

Dear brothers and sisters

eager to "see the glory of the Lord" !

amazing story that we just read. Already small, it intrigued me in the great book of sacred history that we came from my parents' generation. The only thing I withdrew was the feeling of greatness, the mysterious grandeur of God.

Here Moses was emboldened to want "see the glory of the Lord" ! What drives him to make such a request? "The glory of the Lord" ! Does he know what he wants?

Is it driven by pride? - Probably not, because God did not put in place.

Is it at this point if unhappy or disappointed or weakened by what he saw to want tangible evidence of God at his side? - Maybe.

Yet even before, "the glory of the Lord [him] had appeared" him and the people, but always under "representation" symbolic (Num 12.8): either it "appeared in the cloud" (Ex 16.10), or "she looked like a consuming fire " (Ex 24.17). In other words, "the glory of the Lord" manifested in a form that made the invisible God visible to men.

Yet mediator of the old covenant through which God has put in writing the basis of its alliance with Israel, Moses knew unparalleled intimacy with God. In our history, it is said, "the Lord spoke to Moses face to face" (Ex 33.11), but still, as we say today, through a distorting prism.

Hence his request: "Let me see your glory! "

A millennium and a half later, the apostle Paul says: " Everything that was written in advance was for our instruction, so that through perseverance and reassurance that the scriptures might have hope. " (Rom 15.4)

What does this story teach us? What brings us she's "comfort" ? How we help Does "persevere" in faith and strengthens our she "hope" ?


1. When the desire for glory is he the greatest?

2. Where God makes one see his glory?

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"Let me see your glory! "

When this desire is he the greatest?

What happened in the life of Moses?

It has just taken a drubbing. He leaves a huge disappointment. On Mount Sinai, he experienced an exhilarating experience at the highest point: God gave him the Tablets of the Law "written with the finger of God" (Ex 31.18), the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) as well as other rules (Ex 21-31).

He expected great joys in his return from his people. And discovers that he? The people turned away from God and was made an idol: the golden calf! And God threatens "make them disappear" , destroy the people! (Ex 32.1-10)

And the upheaval. A true implosion Moses. God where are you? God what are you doing? Are you really? Are you as powerful as mighty as you say? "Let me see your glory! "

That can not it happen to us on occasion? It is at the most exciting events occur that throw us down. We have endeavored to live something beautiful and something gets in and does everything collapsed like a house of cards.

This may be an illness, job loss, failure of a child's education or in life, a serious problem in the couple. It may also be, yet surrounded by the announcement continues the Good News of God's grace in Jesus Christ, problems in the parish, which tend to stifle any joy in the faith.

"Why are all these woes? "We shout so ... Anyway, this question haunts us so. "Why is this happening there? I had such beautiful projects! I did everything to live happy, fulfilled? Why has it failed? "

" Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of distress? " (Ps 10.1) " Why all this he is us " - am I - 'happened? " (Jdg 6.13)

" God, what are you doing? God, how could you? Why are you absent subscribers? I see nothing in your power, I feel nothing for your faithfulness! I only hear words I never see you only through the prism of the sacraments, under the guise of bread and wine! "Let me see your glory!" Give me something more tangible, more visible, more tangible! Hic et nunc! Here! Now! "

In the confusion, our ideas are not very clear, we struggle to make sense of things, and we may need to ask God for things somewhat displaced.

course, the strong desire to see the glory of God in this life it is understandable, the desire to see this now "which is reserved for us in heaven" ( 1 P 1.4). Understandable, but still moved.

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"Let me see your glory! "

Where God does he see his glory?

One thing is certain: as long as we are on earth, we can not "see the glory of the Lord" directly. Even God said to Moses: "Thou canst not see my face, for man can not see me and live. " (v. 20)

mortals, sinners that we can not bear to see the LORD, the Holy One, the Almighty, face to face. Given our present condition, it would destroy us. "Man can not see me and live. "

comparisons are worth what they are worth. I risk myself anyway. You know: We can not look in the sun without being blinded, we can not bear to determine the intensity of its light would destroy the retina of our eyes. Similarly, the sinners that we could not support the direct contact with God without being consumed.

We find it hard to endure the sight of certain things - like the sun or a laser - which are, however, all part of this creation. It is even less possible, even quite impossible, to support the eyes of the Creator while we are on earth, as our bodies will not "transformed" and "made to conform to the body glorified " of our Risen Lord (Philippians 3:21). The spectacle of his glory we would consume.

Yet God does not entirely escape our senses. It is not that we have no contact with him. Instead, it searches, contact.

The case of Moses is very special. His place is unique in the plan of salvation. God calls the "great prophet" , who prefigures the Messiah Savior (Dt 18.18).

God has granted him an intimacy as we can only note, without really understanding it.

We could spend days philosophizing what means: Moses "saw God from behind" (v. 23), while God is omnipresent spirit. The supernatural, the divine, which comes from outside of creation, is incomprehensible to creatures we are, if we are not explained, at least approximately by comparison.

Later God give Paul a similar experiment, but the apostle says he can not speak because he can not explain it, he can not even repeat what he has heard "Paradise " , as this can be expressed in language of mortals. (2 Corinthians 12:1-4)

But in both cases, both from Moses to Paul, the important thing is not what they experienced, but what they heard. And what God said to Moses? - "I'll pass all my goodness you and will proclaim before you the name of the Lord" (v. 19).

"The Lord" - French adaptation of the Hebrew name "Yahweh" - refers to the covenant that God made. "The Lord" , thus arises the God of the covenant, the God who humbled himself to ally with us and raise him.

"The Lord" is a name charged "goodness" of "grace" and "compassion" to us (v. 19). It was with these three blessings that God appeared before Moses, with his "goodness" his "grace" and "compassion" to us. It consists in this "glory" that the Lord wants to reveal to Moses. It is still content - the same height! - of his glory he reveals to us also.

Here's how he made it clear to Moses closeness and intimacy he has with him "I know you by name" (v. 17).

is exactly what it says to us also by the prophet Isaiah: "Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name you are mine! [...] Indeed, I am the LORD, thy God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. [...] You have value to me [...] you of the importance and [...] I love you. [...] Do not be afraid, for I myself am with you. " (43.1 Es 3-5)

is in the promises of the Gospel that God reveals his glory, grandeur, majesty. This is where his glory is close to us becomes palpable: this is it really warms the heart.

What can we imagine a bigger, more glorious than the God of the universe, the Creator of the World, Three-time saint, we say "Fear not! "I know you by name! "I've bought! "You belong to me! " ?

Here is a God who annihilated us glorify God who is his glory to do everything so that we can find forgiveness and high, secure in his covenant of grace and life!

So when we reached the heart cry of Moses "Lord, show me your glory! " , not seeking glory where we have not promised to show us, do not look at things flashy - although he continues to work miracles by grace but when he decided freely -.

No, trying to see his glory where it deploys it: in his Word and Sacraments, where he shows us what he has done for us and what he did to us, where shows what is for us and what he wants to stay for us, our allies in this time and for eternity.

Let her go get warm rays of his divine glory Ally! This will help us cope with the coldness of this world.

"God is faithful and he will not let you soyés tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation also make a way out so that you can stand. " (1 Cor 10.13)

Let's listen to his Word and in sacrament meeting! Let us leave enlightened by his eternal light! Give him the opportunity to comfort us and strengthen our faith! Thus we can better meet the challenges and resist the darkness of this world.


Jean Thiébaut Haessig

Friday, January 14, 2011

Online South Park In Quicktime

We discovered in January
a very small area of that country continent is Brazil:
the region of Salvador de Bahia.
This enchanted, music, sparkling, colorful and cheerful
gave us a break in the winter,
and we gladly share with you.
Happy New Year 2011
Sophie-Anne and Jean
I added the photos back, and delivered all in order
good reading

Gallbladder And Itching

Monday, January 3: Reichstett at Roissy

Day bags and greeting cards. The sun shines on the snow. Preparing a fallback for the caramel cat, shelter quite soft in the basement, accessible through a basement window.

At 15:30, Brigitte and Elo pick us with suitcases, head for the Strasbourg station. In the freezing cold, we expect the TGV from 1615, which starts with a small delay (nothing to do with the last weeks). Check

18:35 we start walking from the railway station is at North Station. "It's serious quail. RER B to Roissy, T3 terminal, concourse desert. Tickets are recovered from Heliades. Picnic Coffee hützelbrot Odile. Planned flight on time, late anyway, at 23:55.

How To Get Past The Fortiguard

Fishermen Bahia Bahia
marine girls port
Bahia of All Saints
Bahia de San Salvador

This is a beautiful day began
Brazil and its first Capital
This is that Africa is still living in exile
And speaks of Portugal

Fishermen Bahia Bahia
marine girls port
Bahia of All Saints
Bahia de San Salvador


How To Congratulate A Male On A Baby

program of the night

overview of Salvador de Bahia

Our Boeing 737 from the company XL Airways

Letter Of Recosideration Template

Tuesday, January 4: Roissy in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil)

Midnight, lying on the seats in the departure lounge. Well no, not at aircraft. 1:50, two hours late. It rides the bus and then on the XL Airways Boeing 737 at 1:20. It is nearly full and mostly well heated. 5:40 flight to Sal (Archipel Cape Verde) where the plane will refuel and change crew.

Night Flight Turbulent rather, each trying to sleep, the great film followed the show Gad Elmaleh has little success. Arrival in Sal at 7:50 (5:50 local time). The captain informs us that the two hours late due to a complete breakdown of all local communication systems, and it has all been done by hand. Relaunching

at 8:30 for a flight time of 4h3O to Salvador. "I promise," says the Captain, "I will try to reduce the delay to half an hour, but I warn you, there will be some turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean, including the portion of the post (to pot, pot) black. " Ah yes, what's that? The sun rises slowly, it will have set our watches, 4 hours time difference with France and less. Breakfast arrives: you're hungry !!!!!! : Pancake with apple and caramel, fruit salad and the classic left. At 10:45

stack, we move the Poto the equator and a strong zone of turbulence due to thermals. The service is stopped, everyone is sitting quietly. Then Robin Hood is on the screen, we dozed, some more roll, the ocean is dotted with small white flakes and finally at 12:30 we see America! Landing at 9:20 am local time (4 hours less than in France). 26 °, and first impression: it's green. Flying over the bay of Salvador, splendid.

And presto, you land, luggage, passport, welcome by Heliades, and it rides the bus to the north, 65 kms, and the guide gives us the first key of this great country colonized by the Portuguese small. 200 million people, 17 times the size of France. "Beware of the sun, heat, ocean currents and cocktails." Brazil was world champion in football 5 times, we hear several times. Salvador de Bahia is the largest city African continent, with 85% black. "Here we believe in God but also to voodoo and reincarnation."

And whew, we arrive at the hotel, actually a huge complex with 5 hotels, but all lost in the vegetation and bordered by a huge beach with coconut trees planted. Cocktail reception, room key, it installs quickly and we share a ride, before lunch (very good), then a quick nap, the conference excursions with Raimondo Cha cha cha and Maria, the beach, and strolled to the village tourism Vila Nova da Praia.

A bath in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean temperatures and waves as in Lacanau, shower and dinner and bed.